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Hello everyone!

My name's Jason, 23 and I'm from Northern Ireland. Played pokemon since red/blue came out in the uk, took a break for a few years around ruby/sapphire and got back into it when soul silver / heart gold came out and haven't looked back since.
Never played it super competitively but started getting into that recently and that's why I started watching thejustinflynn stuff. Entering my first 2 vgcs in a couple of weeks in Dublin and super nervous/excited for that!
good luck at VGC it should be fun!
Welcome Jason and good luck with your VGC tournaments! :D
Welcome to the forums Smile
Welcome Jason, and good luck with your battling, hope you have fun and use what good ol' JFlynn taught ya, Happy Foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Good luck at VGC Jason and welcome

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