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Hello :)
Hello everyone!
I've been playing pokemon for years... I think at least 12 so I know a lot about the games and the mons, but I'm not a competitive battler. In fact I really suck at it, but I love watching battles and tournaments lol Smile I've been following Justin on Twitch for about a year. After I graduated from college I really dove into shiny hunting more and needed tips on chaining. And here I am Smile Still very unlucky with the shiny mons, but whatever. I guess you could say I'm a "lurker", since I'm not really an active participant in the chat or anything. I like to lay low, but really appreciate this community. We have fun and help each other out and it's fantastic Smile I've completed the National Dex in my X version and will help out anyone I can. I do however like to have all my legendaries and "special" pokemon on hand, so like them to be traded back.
My fiance and I are uber hyped for ORAS! He's getting Omega Ruby and I'm getting Alpha Sapphire. I think my favorite thing about the demo so far is the sneaking :3
Anyway, I'm very excited for this site and hope it doesn't crash again Wink

All my best,
Welcome NorthWest!
Hello Northwest23!

You tried doing the Masuda Method or Friend Safari hunting for a shiny? I am rubbish at chaining and have only got lucky once getting a shiny Azumarill on an 18 Chain (no fast music), never got to 40. I have been more successful with the Masuda Method and Friend Safari.
(Nov 17, 2014, 12:22 PM)Nathan Wrote: Hello Northwest23!

You tried doing the Masuda Method or Friend Safari hunting for a shiny? I am rubbish at chaining and have only got lucky once getting a shiny Azumarill on an 18 Chain (no fast music), never got to 40. I have been more successful with the Masuda Method and Friend Safari.

Hi Nathan!

I've done it all, lol. Friend safari has worked great. Masuda is alright (like I said, I think I'm just unlucky lol), and I've only had one successful shiny chain too. It was a Croagunk and I gave it away.
Welcome northwest!
Hey nice to meet ya! I agree the sneaking is pretty stellar Smile
welcome :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Welcome North
Welcome!! ^.^/
Have a nice stay in the forums.
And hope you catch all legendaries on ORAS!!
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

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