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Hello Everyone
Hello everyone! I've known about these forums for a while but didn't make an account until just recently. I've played all the games and I started shiny hunting around the end of Gen IV. Since then I've casually hunted off and on and managed to pick up a dozen or so shinies. I've kept up with the games but I don't mess around with the competitive scene except for the occasional random battles on showdown.
Besides Pokemon, I've played many other games; Kingdom Hearts, Digimon World, Animal Crossing, Baten Kaitos, etc. I'm not sure how many people here are familiar with Minecraft servers but I also used to be a moderator on the Hive Minecraft server for about a year and a half before resigning. Currently I am working on reviving my YouTube and twitch channels while working part-time and going to university. I have no idea how active I will be on these forums but I'll try my best to drop in every now and then.
welcome to the forums bruv
Eckley is best grill
Go on and on, grow into a phenomenon
Welcome to the forums:D
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
Welcome to the Site

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