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Helloooo everyone
Hello people! I'm Bryan, I live in BC, Canada. I've been trying to become a shiny hunter, but I haven't mastered it yet. I did get a shiny Zangoose when I was trying to chain for one, but I had my volume down because I was starting a new chain, so I have no idea if it was full odds, fast music or whatever. Named her Justine after Justin because his videos is what got me into shiny Pokémon. Battle me, trade me, or we can chat!
Welcome Bryan! Smile
Welcome to the forums Bryan Smile
Hello Bryan! Good luck with the shiny hunts!
Welcome Bryan and good luck diving into the shinies, Have fun and Happy Foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Glad to have you on the Forums Bryan, and have fun with the shiny hunts

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