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Hey Guys, im back, lol
Well, its me again, its been a good year and a half since I last posted anything and iv only been back onto playing Pokemon for the last month or so, can't wait to play the new Sun and Moon! All Iv really done lately (since I bought myself one of those new 3DS XL's, since the old one I had is just to darn small for my big hands, it always gave me cramps with my arthritis issues, these newer ones are not that bad) is just did Wonder Trade's, and WOW, did I get some interesting finds on my first day back! I ended up with a Frogadier with POKERUS and perfect 32 IV's on all stats thats timid, that's a possible legit, but these next one is one I just don't see it, a perfect 32 IV on all stats shiny Chansey with Natural Cure ability and Eviolite as the item, that had POKERUS now doesnt, and THE WEIRDEST part of this Chansey is that its OT name is PokeCenter. Is that another group like Smogon? If so, iv never heard of them lol.

Any who, so whats all new that's been going on here and I see there is a ton of new people here too. Hope you all like it here as much I did/do.
Hi I am new and looking for friends could you add my friend code is 1993-8739-0206
welcome back!
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to

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