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Hey there! ^-^
Hi there ^-^ I'm new here, as you can probably tell... I don't really know what to do on the site quite yet, so I figured I could introduce myself!
Hiya, welcome to the forum! Smile Hm.. There's loads of things to do on Pokémon Forever. I myself like the threads involving friend safaris and people seeking out certain Pokémon (like HA breedables etc). Make yourself at home and I'm sure you'll find your niche! :D
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!
Oh thanks!! The whole reason I registered was for friend safaris, actually, but I reset my Pokémon Y so I can't access them right now Sad Sad  But I think mine is Ghost if you only want two Pokémon...?
Welcome. There are lot of things to do here. If you're searching for a certain Pokemon go make a thread in the Breeding, Trading and Safari Forum. If you need anymore help don't hesitate to ask.
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.
Aw that's not a problem! I'd be more than happy to add you, two or three Pokémon doesn't bother me at all. I actually have a habit of adding people who are uncertain about their safaris so I can let them know what they have. xD I'll let you know your third whenever you eventually beat the Elite Four. I can at least edit this to include your type and your two Pokémon after you've added me back. :D

Forum Name: @SylveonUniverse
Safari Type: Ghost
1st & 2nd Pokémon: Lampent, Pumpkaboo
3rd Pokémon: Spiritomb
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!
Welcome! Really it's just a Pokemon forum where people hang out and stuff
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
(Jun 14, 2016, 12:45 PM)Lythania Wrote: Aw that's not a problem! I'd be more than happy to add you, two or three Pokémon doesn't bother me at all. I actually have a habit of adding people who are uncertain about their safaris so I can let them know what they have. xD I'll let you know your third whenever you eventually beat the Elite Four. I can at least edit this to include your type and your two Pokémon after you've added me back. :D

Forum Name: @SylveonUniverse
Safari Type: 
1st & 2nd Pokémon: 
3rd Pokémon: Currently N/A
Thanks! :D  I'll do that right away!
EDIT: @Lythania added you!
(Jun 14, 2016, 12:56 PM)Johnnyspyguy Wrote: Welcome! Really it's just a Pokemon forum where people hang out and stuff
Thanks!! Rolleyes  I love amourshipping too, by the way!

Also, how would you change the "title" thing next to your profile?
You have to achieve the rank of Trusted User in order to write out a custom title. Smile (I typed in Hex Maniac myself.) I'm not sure what the requirements are, but I think I was somewhere around 140+ posts and had.. 17 reputation. Don't quote me there because I can't remember what my stats were exactly. XD Basically, hang out around the site and be a good user and the rank will come in time. (On a related note: You have to become a Trusted User before you can use a signature under your posts.)

I went back and edited that post to add your two Pokémon. I only had one friend with a Ghost type so I was happy to add you, and doubly happy when I saw what was in your safari! With safari Pokémon like that, I'm looking forward to the day that you beat the Elite Four and I get to check out your third Pokémon!
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!
Wow o.O I didn't realize the safari was that good! XD Thank you so much!
No worries! I love helping out with unknown safaris because you never know what you're gonna get.
To explain why I liked your safari so much.. I love Pumpkaboo, and I also love Chandelure's whole evolution chain lol!
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!

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