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I just started playing Pokemon again after not playing for a few years and am now trying to get into the competitive side of the game. I am doing a lot of breeding so I always have loads of 4-5iv Pokemon for trade, I am always looking for new Pokemon.
Hi Daniel! Welcome to the site! :D

welcome :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Welcome to this awesome family! :D
Hello DanielDJ!
Welcome :P Smile
Hullo there! ^.^/
Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy the community.
Evyii the Dragonslayer of #TeamForum

I'm back! Mostly playing LoL nowadays though. What is life, but homework and sleep.

Welcome to the forums!

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