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[Hot] All the single ladies rebecca traister 2025
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All Hail 'All the Single Ladies' for Thinking Way Beyond the Samantha Jones Trope. Our editor-in-chief catches up with author Rebecca Traister upon the release of her sharp, multi-layered analysis of single lady life. You know the nursery rhyme: first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.

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Except what if our lives don't go in that order anymore? What if we skip some of those steps, entirely? Driven probably less by playground anthems than her astute observations of American culture, Rebecca Traister considers these matters in her new book, All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation. Hitting shelves on March 1 (Super Tuesday, no less!), the book traces the history of independent women in the United States and finds them to be so much more than ladies-in-wait. Instead, these women have pioneered social movements, written essential works of literature, and championed new modes of thinking. And for the past two decades, #singleladies have pulled it off with increasing freedom. To celebrate the book and to get inside the head of the woman who wrote it, ELLE editor-in-chief Robbie Myers moderated a panel on Tuesday to discuss the multi-dimensional lives of modern American women—sexual, social, economic, and, of course, political. She was joined by Traister, Dodai Stewart, the director of culture coverage at Fusion, and Jess McIntosh, vice president of communications for EMILY's List. Together, they dissected the impact that race, class, and Beyonce have had on, yes, all , the single ladies. More From ELLE. Here, read some of the best moments from the exchange and then go out and get your hands on this insta-manifesto ASAP: Beyonce doesn't represent all the single ladies (and nor does Samantha Jones): Traister explained that there are so many pop culture depictions of [unmarried women], including the Beyonce vision of female empowerment. Beyonce, of course, is now married. She speaks a lot about her independence in advance of marriage, and there are places in the book where I quote her on that and her desire to put off marriage until later in her twenties even though she'd already met Jay Z, because she wanted to have some professional independence on her own, some economic status, before she entered into marriage. But I was very curious about the experience of single womanhood across classes, across races, across ethnicities, across the country—not just in New York City where we see so many depictions of a glamorized single life on television and in movies. And so the 'all' in All the Single Ladies . was an important thing that I wanted to capture." Contrary to what the patriarchy would like for you to believe, single ladies were never witches: "There was kind of a nod in my [book] proposal to history," Traister said. "I was going to mention the history of single women in America, which I believed when I wrote it had to do with the witch trials. As it turns out in the United States, almost all the witches were married or widows. So, they have nothing to do with single women." Jane Austen didn't tell the whole story: "I think it's interesting that a lot of the books we grow up with end with a wedding," Stewart observed. "It's like, 'It's over!' Whatever adventure you had, whatever people you met, you see the wedding and the screen goes black." Unmarried women—they get the job done: "I'm very productive," said Stewart, delighting in her current relationship status. "It's not like there's not room for somebody, but I definitely think that the time that you would be investing into that—it's outside of yourself. If we're directing that energy into ourselves, though, yes, we get **** done." There are a million types of women with a million different priorities, but most of want equal pay: "What kind of impact do you think single women are having on this election now?" Myers wanted to know. "And what issues do you think will get them to the voting booth in November?" "Equal pay," McIntosh replied. "Ending wage discrimination is one of those galvanizing issues that cuts across party lines. Republican women understand that wage discrimination is a problem, and they want to see it fixed, too." Have hope! Men are getting better: "We are seeing younger men, millennial men, grow up to fully expect their partners. to be partners—financially and economically," McIntosh said, adding that they care about "kitchen table" issues like paid family leave and wage discrimination: "They care about that in a way that men slightly older than us certainly didn't care, because it was silly and frivolous and totally unnecessary within an older version of marriage institution and in fact threatened the primacy of their earning power, so, yes, it is happening." On why it's good thing when feminists fight: "The media, especially, is still trying so hard to divide feminism and to cut it up and to pit us against each other. I mean, if you watched the news just last week, you would have thought there was a huge generational divide between millennial women and the women of the Gloria Steinem era. They have lots in common and they work together all the time," Traister said, adding that she always sees these arguments as a "sign of the health of feminism." "The women's movement has been built on cacophony and competing perspectives throughout its history, because if you have a movement. that aims to represent the need to expand equality of opportunity for 51 percent of your population, you are trying to organize a system of thought and activism that is supposed to represent and speak to such a huge array and diversity of people with such a variety of perspectives, needs, impulses, experiences. You're never going to have one coherent message. That's just not possible. So, the sign that it's in good shape is that people are yelling at each other!" You, lady, are a #adult. And don't let anybody tell you otherwise: "Whatever your social situation, you're an adult woman, and your life is valid," Traister said, addressing a woman in the audience. "This is not a practice round for adulthood just because you're not married, which is a message that I feel like is sent constantly by everyone. Unmarried life is not juvenile or infantile. That is not the case. You're in your twenties, you're in your thirties, you're in your forties, whether you're single or married or a parent—it doesn't matter. You are an adult woman with. successes and failures and hopes and disappointments and commitments and responsibilities and goals and fears. That is your full adult life, married or not." Mattie Kahn is a writer who lives in New York. She covers politics, style, culture, and dangerous women.

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