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I really need articunno
i really need articunno I offer giratina registell regirock regigigias regiice xerneas lugia tornadus and level 100 raquazza
I also offer a suicune raikou entei a mega lucario samurott cobalion terrakion. Deoxys piplup tertwig flabebe froakie fennekin rattata and bulbasaur
I would also accept moltres and zapdos thank you
I now have hoopa voctini diancie phione and a shiny terrakion if you want those
where do you get those pokemons? O.o I need them too (victini etc)
i would give you moltres for diancie with diancite
I will give you all 3 for hoopa
(Sep 27, 2015, 02:31 PM)DATBOSSTHO Wrote: I will give you all 3 for hoopa

Sure I'll give you hoopa but when can we trade and who would you want for the other two

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