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[IMPORTANT] How to bring the hype? What do you want to see?
To answer your questions @Rogue: i don't know.. i mean, i still don't know if this summer period will either bring more active members or not, so i would not force yourselves into a project which can possibly waste your time.

I'm talking as a member of the Competitive section of this forum when i say that i don't feel the need of anything in particular: we are organizing tournaments, there is hype for the US National meta and there will be much more to discuss about pre-World Championships metagame, but i can understand you want to do something also for that part of the community which is not interested in the competitive side of this game.. and i would be glad to help you if only i had any idea.

What makes you come to this site?: I'm fond of this community and i wish i could have been here since X Y period, where i suppose there were much more active and funny members i've never had the pleasure to meet. Well.. if there is something i would really like it could be Justin coming back strongly for the next Pokemon game to bring a new flow of members and activities for this amazing community.

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RE: How to bring the hype? What do you want to see? - by GiMYz - Jun 23, 2015, 12:54 AM

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