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[IMPORTANT] The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat
Which version of the virtual console re-releases do you want to get, Gold or Silver? I wanted Crystal, ohwell, bought gold i think

What's one new feature that you want to be included in Ultra Sun and Moon?
Vs Seeker upgraded version and more rivallssss, i played years ago different kind of romhacks and loved some with unique rivals that came in surprise, i hope they do something like that also in new games+ extra region like the old games gold/silver/crystal visiting Kanto for gym badges 16.

What non Pokemon game do you think everyone on the forums should play?
Ever oasis(though i have yet to start it) Dragon quest monster joker, persona for ps vita(with a lot of mystery and a good/epic intro of a monster appearing first time)

Is there anything you'd like to see from us in the future or anything that you'd like to suggest to us for the site?
Hmm, i was thinking if was possible to add more sections in different parts, i saw some sites that have these things similiar ways and have like everyday 1000 guests)
in other words: something like having each section of pokemon in division, like ''pokemon gen 6 generation trade'' and pokemon generation 5'' etc, and in other sections below some fun games unique that will help people know how fun this site is and nice etc. (i'm now in sleep mode so i can't think of much right now, but yeah this is kind of idea what i got for now, hope it helps)

Let's turn the tables - tag a forum user using @ and ask them a question! @Kris what is your favorite anime?(my action/romance or supernatural/rom)

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RE: The September Meet and Greet - The Back To School Beat - by Drangor2 - Sep 18, 2017, 08:16 PM

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