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[ANNOUNCEMENT] Shiny Yveltal Event
The shiny Yveltal event is now online, just received me.
Thank you! Without you I wouldn't have known about the shiny Yvetal! +1 rep for you!
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
@"MistressGlaceon", you're welcome and thanks, but it wasn't necessary.
Lol just now got on to get the darkrai event but i got a shiny Yveltal instaed lol
Hmm... now i'm wondering if I restarted the game, will it work again? Idea Dodgy
(May 24, 2016, 12:05 PM)Oddish 4 ever Wrote: Hmm... now i'm wondering if I restarted the game, will it work again? Idea Dodgy
Yes, got at the start of OR/AS two Event Shiny Beldums this way. You have to get to the first PokeCenter in game to get it to work. (as far as I know! but look it up to be 100% sure please)
(May 19, 2016, 06:46 PM)MistressGlaceon Wrote: Thank you! Without you I wouldn't have known about the shiny Yvetal! +1 rep for you!
There's an upcoming Shiny Xerneas event too! Wink There's the rumor, that with the Zygarde event it may have something to do with an upcoming X edition. But I personally don't support this idea. haha
Here's the link to the announcement of the events unfortunately not for germany  Sad
I'm so dumb, don't question me please, I'm just so dumb. I'm sorry haha. The event's long gone! Sorry I've missed this somehow... embarassing.

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