Jan 10, 2015, 04:02 PM
So i am currently catching all the legendary pokemon in Alpha Sapphire, for each legendary it usually takes me 2 to 3 hours for me to SR enough times to find one i deem worthy and usable. I finally got Crescent Isle as my mirage spot for the day and decided to go for cresselia. i started and the first few were terrible, all correct nature but nothing too great it terms of its iv's. 40-45 minutes in and i catch a cresselia using 1 Luxury ball, i use the IV calculator and i find this.
![[Image: 10864561_10152626505233807_1617998783_o....fec7df4a07]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t35.0-12/10864561_10152626505233807_1617998783_o.jpg?oh=cd03068917a30213c9185f196b07f991&oe=54B3D094&__gda__=1421097721_8daa726f93b03f6731478ffec7df4a07)
I spoke to the IV checker in the battle resort and all the 30-31's are 31 and the 0-1 is 0, ive never had a legendary this perfect ever and i find it just super damn lucky i have it, i know that 3 of those IV's are automatically 31 but the rest was just fantastic.
![[Image: 10864561_10152626505233807_1617998783_o....fec7df4a07]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t35.0-12/10864561_10152626505233807_1617998783_o.jpg?oh=cd03068917a30213c9185f196b07f991&oe=54B3D094&__gda__=1421097721_8daa726f93b03f6731478ffec7df4a07)
I spoke to the IV checker in the battle resort and all the 30-31's are 31 and the 0-1 is 0, ive never had a legendary this perfect ever and i find it just super damn lucky i have it, i know that 3 of those IV's are automatically 31 but the rest was just fantastic.