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KaiserKrister's Introduction

Name: Krister aka KaiserKrister
Age: If you dear send me a private message, i'll might reply c:
Abilities: I'm a coder, doing everything from HTML to Pawno and a little bit c++. I'm also a big fan of games i tend to play around with rom hacking and editing game data. I'm also good with grafics and i work a lot with videos etc.
Favorite Pokemon: Shaymin.
Why did you come here: My curiousity guided me here.

If there is any other question you want answered send me a private message or leave a comment below !

Take care !
welcome to the forums krister, hope you have fun with the new way to interact with the community and find your way around the forums, happy foruming :D
Ninetales iz rly cewl kthnxbye
Welcome! I kinda think of those who can manipulate software my opposite, because I'm so focused on hardware, hope we get along!  :P
Welcome Kaiser ^^ Enjoy your time here!
Former Replay Moderator

Friend Safari
Type: Bug Pokemon: Paras, Venomoth, Illumise

Add me on LoL on EUW: MoneyDix

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