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LF: Arceus, Jirachi, manaphy, genosect and meloetta
I am looking for arceus, jirachi, manaphy, genosect and meloetta
I have shiny pokemon and 5-6iv pokemon to trade
Edit: no longer looking for arceus or jirachi, still looking for genosect, manaphy and meloetta
do you have a 6iv Diancie?
what can you offer for an arceus?
(Dec 10, 2014, 07:13 PM)Mars Bars Wrote: do you have a 6iv Diancie?

I don't think so
(Dec 10, 2014, 07:27 PM)ashketchum116 Wrote: what can you offer for an arceus?

Shiny 6iv rayquaza, diancie, 5iv shiny ditto german(missing speed)
Is there anything specifically u want?
I have all 3 of them, and I'm willing to trade you one for a diancie. Can you lemme know the Iv's of your diancie please
id do it for the diancie?
(Dec 10, 2014, 09:53 PM)ashketchum116 Wrote: id do it for the diancie?

Ok added, ign Scott, fc to the left
(Dec 10, 2014, 09:34 PM)Mars Bars Wrote: I have all 3 of them, and I'm willing to trade you one for a diancie. Can you lemme know the Iv's of your diancie please

Not 6 iv
Do you have a mew or shaymin? I can offer a meloetta and genesect

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