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[LF] HA eevee and Regen amoonguss
(Dec 26, 2014, 11:46 AM)Eeveeli Wrote: Give me a sec to jump online too in the game. My IGN Is Ikuyo.

So if I understand it right, I will send you the Espurr first and once you're done you will trade back the Espurr for the Eevee?

Correct. That way you ensure your not giving me the eevee until the job is done.
Cool okay, can I keep the Braviary or do you want it back? :P
ok give me 5 minutes, bold nature and I'll change defense IV to 31
Take your time! Smile
sure why not don't care
all done, just send me the eevee and you'll have your espurr back with bold and better defense IV
Sweet, thank you!

Enjoy the Eevee :D
thanks if you ever need anything else just PM me here. Always willing to offer powersave services in exchange for HA's
If you still need the Amoonguss, I've got a Foonguss with Regenerator.
Yes I do what would you like for it?

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