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LF: Iron Fist Chimchar
Looking to breed a competitive Infernape. I will trade for it, as long as it is reasonable.
i generally accept bottle caps but you got any interesting breedjects?
@Zortac have you gotten a Chimchar yet?
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
(Feb 24, 2017, 08:45 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: @Zortac have you gotten a Chimchar yet?

No, I have not. Do you happen to have one? If so, I would love to make an offer for it.
(Feb 23, 2017, 11:15 PM)wartty Wrote: i generally accept bottle caps but you got any interesting breedjects?
I have a lot of breedjects. Do you need any Pokemon with certain ablities or IV's specifically? I can look for them in my Box.
@Zortac lol well i need HA ferrothorn shelmet inkay basculin and sigilyph, plus petilil, or if youve got any interesting breedjects?
(Feb 26, 2017, 05:37 PM)wartty Wrote: @Zortac lol well i need HA ferrothorn shelmet inkay basculin and sigilyph, plus petilil, or if youve got any interesting breedjects?

I have a 5 IV Brave Overgrow Treecko missing Sp.Attack, Spiritomb, another Treecko with Dragon Breath, Leaf Storm, Synthesis, and Magical Leaf, and a 6 IV Adamant Strong Jaw Tyrunt to name a few breedjects. Do any of those sounds interesting?
@Zortac ive already got my own versions of most of those :p you got a bottle cap to spare?
(Feb 27, 2017, 05:07 PM)wartty Wrote: @Zortac ive already got my own versions of most of those :p you got a bottle cap to spare?

What is a bottle cap? I don't play Sun/Moon much.
@Zortac lol crazy, do you have rareball pokemon like dreamball mons? whats your friend safari btw?

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