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LF> XY dex completion help!
What's your IGN?
Argh sorry I totally forgot about my driving-lessons after class so I couldn't be online yesterday.

But I think you already have everything you need/are going to get from Boom now? (Since i'm not home for another 6 hours haha)
Yeah man I've bred everything for him and have a few tradebacks for the rest Smile
Boomgrowl, thanks for the PM and all the work with the pokes!!

My IGN is the same as my NNID, Dranka.
I hope that I didn't mess up with adding the FCs,hmm ^^' I will be online for quite a few hours now~
(Nov 25, 2014, 08:18 AM)DraNKa Wrote: Boomgrowl, thanks for the PM and all the work with the pokes!!

My IGN is the same as my NNID, Dranka.
I hope that I didn't mess up with adding the FCs,hmm ^^' I will be online for quite a few hours now~

Are you on atm? Sorry - just woke up!

Bah just checked the friends list - I missed you by 3 minutes lol Sad
I'm heeere! My connection is a bit unsteady today, sorry if it drops without warning >__<//!!
We can start with my legendaries first if you want~
(Nov 25, 2014, 12:24 PM)DraNKa Wrote: I'm heeere! My connection is a bit unsteady today, sorry if it drops without warning >__<//!!
We can start with my legendaries first if you want~

Awesome. Hey I just realised my Duskull had my lucky egg lol - could we manage a trade for that back? Cheers.
Ok! Duskull! Got it!
Need to cancel the trade once more to remove the item, sorry about that :' D
Yay :D!! Thank you kindly for being patient with the trades!! I'm so excited to evolve the pokes and complete the dex! I never was so close!
(Nov 25, 2014, 01:16 PM)DraNKa Wrote: Yay :D!! Thank you kindly for being patient with the trades!! I'm so excited to evolve the pokes and complete the dex! I never was so close!

And you too! I am now only 4 legendaries away from my shiny charm, and 8 away from a complete dex! Last stop a living one, ish!

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