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LF: rare poké ball mons
Looking for any female Apicorn ball or dream ball mons I don't have.

For trade:

-Heavy ball Mawile

-Love ball Hoppip

-Moon ball Zubat Brave bird, Defog, hypnosis, Zen Headbutt egg moves

-Love ball Slowpoke

-Dream ball Ralts

-Safari/level ball Kanguskhan double edge, Hammer arm, Egg moves

-Dream ball Feebas dragon pulse, Mirror coat Captivate, egg moves

-Dream ball Snorunt

-Dream ball Shuckle

-Moon ball Cleffa heal pulse, Wish, Aromatherapy egg moves
If you don't mind it not being IV bred, I can get you a female Absol in a Moon Ball with the Egg Moves Perish Song, Megahorn, Play Rough, and Magic Coat.

I'd be interested in your Moon Ball Zubat with Egg Moves if you're interested c:
Yeah sounds good to me. I'll add you're FC now just PM me when youre avalibe to trade I shoud be online for the most part of day.
Sorry for not seeing this until now. I'll have your Absol by this afternoon; I'll give you an add in the meantime
Okay that's fine.
I'm actually online now at the moment if you are able c:
My IGN would be Kyamay
Sorry didn't get you're message until now. I'm avalibe if you can still trade. My IGN is Andrew
It's cool c:
I'll be able to for another two hours, so no worries

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