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Does anyone have an extra Power Weight, Power Bracer, Power Belt, Power Lens, Power Band, and Power Anklet they can trade me? I would buy them myself from the Battle Royal Dome shop, but I don't have any Battle Points.

In exchange I can trade you Leftovers, an Ice Stone, an Electric Seed (I'm currently hunting more of the others), and a Prism Scale.
Hi there @Eugenio ! Are you still looking for these?
I have a few BP to spare, so I can get you one of the Power items in exchange for your Prism Scale if you'd like!

Add me. I'll trade you a Pokemon holding a Prism scale. Don't worry about giving me any of the Power-items, I managed to get them on own.
That's so nice of you! Anything I can get you in exchange for the Prism Scale?
I'll add you right away Smile

No, that's ok. I already added you. I'll be waiting in the Festival Plaza.
@Eugenio Thank you so much. I'll be right there! I'll trade you one of my Togepi breedjects then.

Thanks for the Togepi breedject. The Cubone has 4-5 IVs as well.
@Eugenio Wonderful! Thank you very much for the Cubone and the Prism Scale!
(Dec 16, 2016, 08:38 PM)Mutt Wrote: @Eugenio Wonderful! Thank you very much for the Cubone and the Prism Scale!

@Mutt, no problem.

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