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[LOOKING FOR] HA pokemon
I can trade other HA pokemon in return such as:

Torchic-Speed Boost
Vulpix-Snow warning
Pachirisu-Volt Absorb
Gible-Rough Skin
Comfey-Natural cure
Tepig-Thick fat
Totodile-Sheer Force
Ponyta-Flame Body

I'm searching for HA Togepi and Jangmo-o so if you have them you can get two pokemon  Big Grin
@Sweetstar2001Hi! I have an Overcoat Kommo-o so i can breed you that Jangmo-o. I would like the Joltik and the Unburden Treecko please Smile
(Jan 27, 2018, 05:22 PM)TheShinyMothim Wrote: @Sweetstar2001Hi! I have an Overcoat Kommo-o so i can breed you that Jangmo-o. I would like the Joltik and the Unburden Treecko please Smile

@TheShinyMothim The Joltik and Treeko have been bred let me know when you're ready to trade  Big Grin
It's not on your list of neeeded, but I have Swift Swim Poliwags and Shadow Tag Gothitas if you're interested. 1 for 1 trade?
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
(Jan 28, 2018, 04:39 PM)Hojunhu Wrote: It's not on your list of neeeded, but I have Swift Swim Poliwags and Shadow Tag Gothitas if you're interested. 1 for 1 trade?

@Hojunhu  Sure what pokemon do you want for the Poliwag and Gothita?
@Sweetstar2001 I'll take a Ponyta and a Litwick.
Just a fossil from the days of olde.
Sword and Shield Trades
That's an interesting HA mons list you have here! I see that you have an Infiltrator Litwick there. Unfortunately I have no HA Togepi or Jangmo-o, but maybe you would like to trade a Litwick for some of my other HA breedjects here?

Also, would you mind telling me what is your Ponyta's ball?  Tongue
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Sweetstar2001 Great! I’ll do my best to breed the jangmo-o within the next 12 hours. I’ll post again once I’m ready!

@Hojunhu I would like a shadow tag Gothita as well actually, if that’s possible? I have HA Torchic, A-vulpix, Venipede, Burmy, Zubat,... Let me know if there’s something else that you want in particular!
(Jan 29, 2018, 02:54 AM)Black Waterfall Wrote: That's an interesting HA mons list you have here! I see that you have an Infiltrator Litwick there. Unfortunately I have no HA Togepi or Jangmo-o, but maybe you would like to trade a Litwick for some of my other HA breedjects here?

Also, would you mind telling me what is your Ponyta's ball?  Tongue

@Black Waterfall The ball is an Ultra ball  Smile And i'm interested in the Iron fist Chimchar.
@Sweetstar2001Your Jangm-o is ready. It’s IVs aren’t flawless, but you can work with it though. And it’s a female with of course Overcoat

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