Dec 20, 2017, 06:19 AM
(Dec 20, 2017, 06:06 AM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: I haven't managed to get a tyrunt with egg moves and ha yet but I have everything else finished, if you want I can give you a non-HA tyrunt Aswell as a correct 5IV Ha one with just dragon dance to get the other egg moves if your friend wants them and trade now otherwise we will need to trade later today
Actually any HA Tyrunt with bad IVs would do. Do you have any? @Tenebris_Kane
If not we can trade tomorrow or whenever you have time. The mons here are finished:
- 5x31 IVs HA Nasty Plot Timid Pansear (Male)
- 5x31 IVs non-HA Fissure and Ice Shard Adamant Phanpy (Female)
- 4x31/1x30 IVs non-HA HP-Grass Modest Litwick (Female)

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