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[LOOKING FOR] LF: HA Dragon-type breedjects FT: HA Fire-type breedjects and more
Hi guys!

So a friend of mine is looking for breedjects of these  five  two Dragon-type mons: Bagon, TyruntSkrelp, GoomyJangmo-o (or their evolutions) with their respective Hidden Abilities. (Nice IVs and egg moves are desirable but not really necessary, he only needs the mons with their HA to breed them.)

Unfortunately, I don't have any, so I decided to ask you guys for help Tongue

I have some a bunch of Fire-type (or related) HA breedjects for trade such as: Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Fennekin, Vulpix, Pansear, Growlithe, Litleo, Ponyta, Fletchling, Eevee (most with egg moves Wish/Yawn/Stored Power) etc (most have at least 5x31 IVs). I also nice IVs breedjects of all other Fire-types (or related) that don't have (or don't mind not having) a HA, such as Larvesta, Darumaka, Numel, Turtonator, Houndour (I have some with HP Ice), Litwick (I should also have some with HP Ice, not certain though), Rotom, Oricorio, Cubone etc (most have at least 5x31 IVs as well).

Yes, I do have some non-Fire-types! XD Some of them are Fissure-Ice shard Phanpy, Pineco, HA Kecleon, Oddish, Sudowoodo (most are 5x31 IVs breedjects), and probably some other mons that I can't remember now!
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Black Waterfall

For Bagon, Tyrunt and Skrelp I can get you good breedjects with egg moves and hidden ability.
(Dec 20, 2017, 03:12 AM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: @Black Waterfall

For Bagon, Tyrunt and Skrelp I can get you good breedjects with egg moves and hidden ability.

Thank you so much @Tenebris_Kane! This is a HUGE help!

Is there any breedject in particular I can help you with / you are looking for?
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Black Waterfall

Pansear would be great and I would like the Litwick and Phanpy if that is ok with you  Smile
(Dec 20, 2017, 04:01 AM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: @Black Waterfall

Pansear would be great and I would like the Litwick and Phanpy if that is ok with you  Smile

Sure thing @Tenebris_Kane!

The Litwicks are all Modest. Do you want the ability Flash Fire or Flame Body? Do you want the one with HP Grass? (This one has Flash Fire) The other Litwicks all have HP Dark or Dragon. (It looks like Litwick doesn't need any one of those three types of HP though XD)

The Phanphies are Adamant. I have two left, they are all 5x31 IVs. Do you prefer 31 on HP or Spd? (They only differ on this attribute)
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Black Waterfall

I don't mind which of the phanpies you give me since I will re-breed them. However the HP grass litwick sounds interesting if you are willing to part with it, I may train it for my competitive collection since it gives surprise water type coverage Tongue

Edit - I just realised Litwick is Pokémon of the day XD
(Dec 20, 2017, 04:46 AM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: @Black Waterfall

I don't mind which of the phanpies you give me since I will re-breed them. However the HP grass litwick sounds interesting if you are willing to part with it, I may train it for my competitive collection since it gives surprise water type coverage Tongue

Edit - I just realised Litwick is Pokémon of the day XD

Yeah, I realized that too Big Grin

Ok, I'll give you the HP Grass one then (It can learn Energy Ball though). It's actually my best Litwick breedject! It got 4x31 perfect IVs IV 30 on SpA and a low IV on Atk stat, which is fine since it doesn't need it anyway Smile

I'll give you a Timid Female HA Pansear (Sadly, I only have 3 IVs Pansear breedjects). Is that alright? @Tenebris_Kane

(Btw, I can you trade now if you can.)
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
@Black Waterfall

Sorry for the delayed message, I am just finishing breeding the Tyrunt (last of the 3) now, I have so far been unable to get a good HA breedject, I have however managed to get 3 with right 5IV and 1 6IV and wrong ability so I guess they are just headed to The Breedject Corner

I will probably be able to trade in about half an hour or so since I will need to re-connect my DS to the internet because my router has been messing up lately after breeding tyrunt
(Dec 20, 2017, 05:33 AM)Tenebris_Kane Wrote: @Black Waterfall

Sorry for the delayed message, I am just finishing breeding the Tyrunt (last of the 3) now, I have so far been unable to get a good HA breedject, I have however managed to get 3 with right 5IV and 1 6IV and wrong ability so I guess they are just headed to The Breedject Corner

I will probably be able to trade in about half an hour or so since I will need to re-connect my DS to the internet because my router has been messing up lately after breeding tyrunt

No prob @Tenebris_Kane! Actually I've been trying to get you a better Pansear breedject too  Big Grin

I realized that Pansear does need Nasty Plot as an egg move to be minimally viable competitively. None of my breedjects had it, so I'm breeding new ones (hopefully with better IVs!)
 ~ Always ready to fire up the party! ~ 
I haven't managed to get a tyrunt with egg moves and ha yet but I have everything else finished, if you want I can give you a non-HA tyrunt Aswell as a correct 5IV Ha one with just dragon dance to get the other egg moves if your friend wants them and trade now otherwise we will need to trade later today

​​​edit - i am going AFK but I will leave my ds in Plaza if you want to start trading

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