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[LOOKING FOR] Lf Dream Ball Tirtouga
I’m looking for a Dream World Tirtouga, I’m willing to trade BR Pokémon, Shiny Pokemon, and other Dream World Pokemon
@IvanCuhh I have it
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
(Nov 16, 2017, 02:37 PM)PerchPond Wrote: @IvanCuhh I have it

Is there anything specific you’re looking for?
@IvanCuhh The reocurring question, hmm I have so much stuff already. Do you mind posting a list of what u have? If u don't have one ready, maybe a "sample size" of what u have? I'll start breeding the Tirtouga now, It's in a Dream Ball with HA, do u require it to be female?
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
Lanturn, Mimikyu, Brixish, Hawlucha, Gliscor, Whimsicott, Politoed, Sylveon, Roserade, Magnezone, Porygon Z, Chansey, Linoone, Umbreon, Ninetails (reg+Alola) Hydreigon, Jolteon, Braviary, Cloyster, Bisharp, Dragonite, Lapras, Rapidash, Electivire, Luxray, Eelectross, Toxicroak, Azumarill, Togekiss, Pachirisu, Zoroark, Galvantula, Pelliper, Slowbro, Marowak (A), Golisopod, Tsareena, Machamp, Oranguru, Minior, Lurantis, Toxapex, Silvally, Starmie, Talonflame, Noivern, Vaporeon, Tyrantrum, Mamoswine, all megas, and all legends excluding a few mythicals
(Nov 16, 2017, 03:10 PM)IvanCuhh Wrote: Lanturn, Mimikyu, Brixish, Hawlucha, Gliscor, Whimsicott, Politoed, Sylveon, Roserade, Magnezone, Porygon Z, Chansey, Linoone, Umbreon, Ninetails (reg+Alola) Hydreigon, Jolteon, Braviary, Cloyster, Bisharp, Dragonite, Lapras, Rapidash, Electivire, Luxray, Eelectross, Toxicroak, Azumarill, Togekiss, Pachirisu, Zoroark, Galvantula, Pelliper, Slowbro, Marowak (A), Golisopod, Tsareena, Machamp, Oranguru, Minior, Lurantis, Toxapex, Silvally, Starmie, Talonflame, Noivern, Vaporeon, Tyrantrum, Mamoswine, all megas, and all legends excluding a few mythicals
@IvanCuhh Do u have West Sea (pink and white) Shellos or Igglybuff in a Dream Ball? I'm not interested in BR-mons really

I have a male and a female Tirtouga ready now
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
I have the Igglybuff, I’ll add you right now
"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
I’m online, send me a request whenever
Thank you so much!

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