Heyo there was an older thread where someone was offering them but it seems to have been deleted since I was last on but I'm looking for a legit shiny Ho-Oh, it's my favorite shiny and I do have some stuff I can offer but idk what's fair for one and been having trouble getting a trade that isn't something like Shiny Mews for a shiny Ho-Oh. Didn't have luck SR method in my OR even with a shiny charm I gave up after roughly 500 SR's and not seeing one, anyone got one for trade?
I got one I'm willo by to trade. I never use is, so it's kind of "collecting dust".
I'm not picky, but what do you have to offer?
I have so many shiny ledgendaries(although most are illegal from when QR codes gave you pokemon), so I couldn't care less about it being legendary. Heck, it doesn't have to be shiny at all.
(Jan 29, 2017, 09:21 AM)Myamoo425 Wrote: Ah, it's probably not legit. Sorry. I got it from the GTS so I don't now if it was gunned in or not. It's level 100.
Level doesn't matter so much but GTS has a lot of hacked Lugia and Ho-Oh's in particular which is really sad and even most of those hacked ones are shiny too. I just want to know it is for sure a real one since while genn'ing one's favorites is nice it loses a lot of appeal with how the games are.
(Feb 9, 2017, 09:36 PM)Rolly Wrote: I have one from the Japan event, I'm looking for other shiny legendaries mainly
If just going off of shiny legendaries I only really have 3 being an event shiny Xerneas, the Black Rayquaza event from World's and I have a shiny Regice from SakatiS if that makes any difference but otherwise I do have a shiny Gamestop event Giratina but that's all I have for shiny legendaries I have a few other shiny pokemon but the only one people would really like is the vulpix and spritzee one's I've come to learn of the ones i do have that I'm willing to trade since I have some I don't want to trade at this time. The Giratina I'm a little hesitant with since I trasnferred my Dialga and Palkia into Moon before catching the Giratina running around in Omega Ruby however.