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[LOOKING FOR] Trick Room Doggo
I made that Stoutland Overview before and it's made me want to use it in game.
Stoutland @ Iron Ball
Level 100
Shiny: Surprise me
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 136 Hp/120 Def/252 SpD
IVs: 0 Speed
- After You
- Protect
- Roar
- Substitute
Thanks for all the good times~
I can probably breed you one tonight if you want, I can get it to around level 50/60 pretty quick which should be fine for most competitive uses if that would be alright for you and I can also do the EV's. What ability were you looking for?
Although it wouldn't be level 100 it could be done quickly. (probably finish it tonight trade tomorrow?)
@Tenebris_Kane Yo thanks a lot! I'd be looking for Intimidate as it's Ability
Thanks for all the good times~
I ended up being fairly busy today so this is taking slightly longer than expected but so far (I am still going for perfect IV's) I have one with the wrong ability but right IV's and one that is right ability but missing 1IV in attack (value of fantastic)
@Tenebris_Kane it's no problem, it's worth the wait, take as much time as you need
Thanks for all the good times~
Unfortunatly I don't have the battle points to buy an ability capsule at the minute otherwise I would have 1 perfect
Actually I think I have an AC, so if you want to use the Lillipup you have then that's fine
Thanks for all the good times~
Ok then, I should have it finished at maximum in half an hour in that case.
@Tenebris_Kane Awesome, I've stopped playing for today, but I should be free to trade later on sometime
Thanks for all the good times~
Ok, it is all done now anyway so I will just keep a hold of it, do you mind if I stick a couple breedjects into my thread? I will link in the notes to your thread on the build so you still get credit if I end up giving out some breedjects.

Also as a side note the training and evolving went really well, I just happened to find a shiny gumshoos in the grass on Poni Island and managed to catch it, always nice to add another shiny to the collection  Big Grin

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