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Late introduction
sooooo, I've been on the forum for a while, but I'd figure I could do an introduction.... Angel

I'm Koen (kuun / kuun_kun), from the Netherlands. I love music, pokémon, minecraft and guildwars 2.
I study software science at university. In my spare time I play drums (a lot), watch some lets plays on youtube and try to complete my pokédex by catching them all myself :D

That's about it if you want to know more just ask :P

See you around!
Lol hey buddy, glad to have apart of this community :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
I will probably make an introduction thread a few years from now :D
Anyways, welcome xD
Well even though you're not really new here, welcome to the site! :D
I'm Umbreon, the nocturnal member of #TeamForum
Those well-practiced in the art of deceit may find themselves welcome to join me on Town of Salem...
Thanks guys Smile
Nice to see a fellow minecrafter :P Welcome!
° Replay Mod ° Pokemon Master ° Powersaver/Cloner & Breeder °  

 #TeamReplay since January 2014

> Batman <

Yay for Minecraft Wink

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