Mar 7, 2015, 05:08 PM
I have a Heatran, a cresselia and a Suicune I would like someone to Powersave, I have quite a bit of battle ready pokes
I would like the Heatran changed to modest and perfect the IVs, the Cresselia changed to relaxed and perfect the IVs and the Suicune changed to bold and perfect the IVs
I can offer
- Shiny BR Landorus
- BR HP Ice Thundurus
- BR Terrakion
- BR Politoed
- Shiny BR Greninja
- BR Banette
- BR Alakazam
- BR Shiny Aegislash
- Shiny BR Diggersby
- Shiny BR Dragalge
- BR Blastoise
- BR Swampert
- BR Altaria
- BR Blaziken
- BR Charizard
- BR Aerodactyl
- BR Clawitzer
- BR Venusaur
- BR Tyranitar
- BR Cloyster
- BR Pachirisu
- BR Klefki
- BR Gyarados
- BR Scizor
- BR Florges

I would like the Heatran changed to modest and perfect the IVs, the Cresselia changed to relaxed and perfect the IVs and the Suicune changed to bold and perfect the IVs

I can offer
- Shiny BR Landorus
- BR HP Ice Thundurus
- BR Terrakion
- BR Politoed
- Shiny BR Greninja
- BR Banette
- BR Alakazam
- BR Shiny Aegislash
- Shiny BR Diggersby
- Shiny BR Dragalge
- BR Blastoise
- BR Swampert
- BR Altaria
- BR Blaziken
- BR Charizard
- BR Aerodactyl
- BR Clawitzer
- BR Venusaur
- BR Tyranitar
- BR Cloyster
- BR Pachirisu
- BR Klefki
- BR Gyarados
- BR Scizor
- BR Florges