Apr 19, 2017, 08:34 PM
Currently I'm sitting at 95% complete and just need a few more to complete it! I'm not askin for free pokemon I just want to barrow them for their pokedex and I promise to return them as soon as the trade is complete 
Currently I need:
#168 - Magmortar (I have the Magmarizer and can get my hands on a magmar if someone is willing to trade with me)
#204 - Silvally (Will trade my Type: Null so you know you'll get yours back)
#218 - Porygon2
#219 - PorygonZ
Not 100% on if i can get the rest on my own ingame or not but some guides claim i can:
#289 - Cosmog
#290 - Cosmoem
#292 - Lunala
#294 - Buzzwole
#295 - Pheromosa
#296 - Xurkitree
#297 - Celesteela
#298 - Kartana
#299 - Guzzlord
#300 - Necroma
Any help is appreicated and I will update when I catch or fill the slot via trades! Thanks again!

Currently I need:
#168 - Magmortar (I have the Magmarizer and can get my hands on a magmar if someone is willing to trade with me)
#204 - Silvally (Will trade my Type: Null so you know you'll get yours back)
#218 - Porygon2
#219 - PorygonZ
Not 100% on if i can get the rest on my own ingame or not but some guides claim i can:
#289 - Cosmog
#290 - Cosmoem
#292 - Lunala
#294 - Buzzwole
#295 - Pheromosa
#296 - Xurkitree
#297 - Celesteela
#298 - Kartana
#299 - Guzzlord
#300 - Necroma
Any help is appreicated and I will update when I catch or fill the slot via trades! Thanks again!