Im going to work on making me a Eelektross and I was told to make it like this:
Eelektross @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Acid Spray
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot Hidden Power
But im going to take out Grass Knot for Hidden Power cause I don't like Grass Knot. I'm told that its Hidden Power would be Ice and that would cover a much more types.
I currently have Tynamo with 31/31/31/31/31/x, so now all I need is to ask this one and only question, during EV training, is there a cap now or do I still have to keep count of the hoard training im doing? For example, do I have to try and hit it at 252 or if i hit 255/260 (if I lost count for whatever reason) it wont matter?
The cap is 255, but it's recommended to stop at 252 simply becasue every 4 EV points adds 1 to the stat, so there's no stat yield at 253/254/255. so the usual split is 252/252/4
But going 255/255 means you'll only drop a single stat point gain from another stat. So it's up to you, not that much of a loss.
It says it up there... lol but mkay, ill stop it as 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD. Thanks for the info. Its been MANY years since iv played and done EV training.
I'd just like to add that no matter how hard you try you can't ev train a stat past 252 now. I've personally tested it. Stats cap at 252 now so no need to worry about missing count.