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Mega Swampert Team
I hate Mega Kangaskhan.  I feel like Mega Kangaskhan ruined online battling for a lot of us; which is why I try to build my teams that could easily shut down Mega Kangashan.  Mega Swampert one of those pokemon that could take Kangaskhan out.   
Swampert @ Swampertite 
Ability: Damp 
Level: 50 
- Low Kick 
- Earthquake 
- Protect 
- Waterfall
With Mega Swamperts Swift Swim ability the Pokemon could out speed and absolutely terrify the opposition.  Mega Swampert is only weak to grass so I could utilize him as clean-up for the end of the battle or use him to scout out the opponents Pokemon. [1]Low Kick  Low kick is a guaranteed  OHKO against a Mega Kangaskhan.  If I see a Kangaskhan in the opponents party I could protect expecting the fake out and unless a devastating OHKO to the opponents khan.  [2] Earthquake is there for stab however I might switch it to Avalanche [3] Waterfall is another stab move for Mega Swampert and it gives me a chance to cause the opponents pokemon to flinch. 
Politoed @ Leftovers 
Ability: Drizzle 
Level: 50 
EVs: 12 HP / 12 Def / 236 SpA / 4 SpD / 244 Spe 
Modest Nature 
- Rain Dance 
- Scald 
- Hydro Pump 
- Ice Beam
This is Alex Ogloza’s Politoed.  When I was watching his review of his championship team it worked extremely well with mine.  However I couldn’t put a choice item on this Politode and had to settle for leftovers. 
Kabutops @ Choice Band 
Ability: Swift Swim 
Level: 50 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe 
Naughty Nature 
- Stone Edge 
- Waterfall 
- Night Slash 
- Ice Beam
I’m still debating whether or not to change out Kabutops for Ludicolo but I wanted to try it out.  Kabutops is possibly one of the strongest most versatile swift swim pokemon out there.  It has a large move pool to choose from.   Kabutops is possibly one of the strongest most versatile swift swim pokemon out there.  It has a large move pool to choose from.   Kabutops is possibly one of the strongest most versatile swift swim pokemon out there.  It has a large move pool to choose from.  Although Kabutops has a lot of weaknesses for being a water rock pokemon but the pokemon is very fast and can dish out a lot of damage.  Kabutops I could pair it up with Politode or start out With Mega Swampert Politode and leave him to clean up.  [1] Night Slash is there to counter threats like Mega Metagross, Alakazam and other psychic pokemon. [2] Waterfall is there to get off a fast strong stab and like Swampert it could also cause pokemon to flintch [3] Ice beam there cause Kabutops could out speed most grass pokemon in the rain and since I have choice band it shouldn’t have much problem OHKO grass pokemon.  [4] Stone edge is there to deal with the Talonflame and Mega Charizard Y.  Even though Talonflame has Gale Wings I should still survive the atk and finish it off with a fast strong stone edge. 
Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet 
Ability: Iron Barbs 
Level: 50 
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Def 
Brave Nature 
IVs: 0 Spe 
- Gyro Ball 
- Power Whip 
- Leech Seed 
- Protect
Ferrothorn is my fairy and grass counter.  This is my safe swap if I don’t like the match up I’m in.  This is a standard Ferrothorn set I’m still playing around with it and thinking of switching this out for a life orb Scizor. 
Hydreigon @ Choice Specs 
Ability: Levitate 
Level: 50 
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Timid Nature 
- Dark Pulse 
- Taunt 
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power
This Hydreigon moveset works nicely it has a lot of common resistants so if I don’t like a certain situation like Ferrothorn I could keep Hydreigon back.  This pokemon also counters perish trap teams nicely [1] Dark Pulse is a powerfull dark move it could take down a mega Metagross as well as a mega Gengar.  This move also causes pokemon to flintch [2] Taunt is there to try to shutdown a perish singer or even stop pokemon like cerselia from setting up [3] Draco Meteor is probably one of the strongest dragon moves out there.  Although it drops special defense down a stage 2 Dracos should be enough to take down most pokemon.  [4] Earth Power is there to try to get a chance to lower an opponents SpD.  It’s a safe move for electric pokemon since I’m very weak to electric.  
Talonflame @ Choice Scarf 
Ability: Gale Wings 
Level: 50 
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe 
Jolly Nature 
- Flare Blitz 
- Brave Bird 
- Steel Wing 
- U-turn
Talonflame’s Gale wings is so OP and a choice scarf guaranties that it will move first if it doesn’t use brave bird.  Since a lot of Talonflames are running adamant nature I picked jolly so it could out speed those Talonflames.  [1]  U-Turn makes Talonflame a safe lead even though its not the strongest move still one of the better scout moves other than volt switch.  [2]Brave bird is obviously there to work with the gale wings ability [3] Flare Blitz is there for coverage since I’m weak against grass. [4]Steel Wing I know isn’t the strongest steel type moves but I wanted another pokemon to deal damage to fairies.  Steel wing does OHKO a few fairy types but if I could get some damage off on it then finish it off with Ferrothorn or another pokemon that would make me happy. 
I’m open to any ideas changes comments that you guys have about this team.  If anyone likes it the way it is feel free to use it.
Making a team centralized around countering Kangaskhan? I'm telling you right now, you're playing this game wrong. Pokemon has this thing called a "metagame" which is basically a list of threats, possible movesets they run, what their function is on teams, what they pair up well with, etc. Kangaskhan, even though it is the most centralizing mega evolution in the format, is not the only thing you'll be seeing. Other Pokemon such as Landorus-T, P-Groudon, Xerneas, Thundurus, Cresselia, Amoonguss, P-Kyogre, Metagross, Salamence, M-Rayquaza, etc. are also threats in the current metagame.

Speaking of metagame, what format are you using this team in? Battle Spot Singles, VGC 2015, VGC 2016, Smogon, what? You need to state that so we can analyze your team effectively. If you're lost as to what these formats are, fire up Google and start doing your homework.

252+ Atk Mega Swampert Low Kick (100 BP) vs. 212 HP / 60 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 132-156 (63.7 - 75.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO - [IS NOT A GUARANTEED OHKO]

You will need Ice Punch on Mega Swampert for Grass and Dragon types. Avalanche has negative priority meaning it'll never go first putting Swampert in unnecessary danger

Remove Hydro Pump for Protect on Politoed

Scrap Kabutops and run Kingdra/Ludicolo. Kabutops is an impressive Swift Swimmer but a simple stat drop from Intimidate, Icy Wind or a status like Thunder Wave seals the game for it. It's not viable in the meta you plan to play

Keep Ferrothorn. It helps with matchups against opposing rain teams.

Choicing yourself into a status move is just bad and you won't need to worry about Electric types outside of Zapdos and Thundurus. Raichu and Raikou are rarely seen and Hydreigon makes short work of those with Dark Pulse. A choiced Hydreigon does not counter Perish Song by the way.

Give Talonflame a Life Orb and run it with Flare Blitz, Brave Bird, Protect and either Taunt or Tailwind. Talonflame is fast enough, choice scarf is redundant. Also Brave Bird/Flare Blitz does more damage to Fairies than Steel Wing.

I can't suggest anything further than this because I don't know how this team functions and what specific format it is for. Supply the necessary information
[Insert signature here]
I believe an Adamant Superpower with however many Attack EVs OHKOs a Kangaskhan, can't remember the spread lol.

Is this OU, VGC or Ubers?

Also Ludicolo is a great SSwimmer, access to Fake Out, Ice Beam, Scald (Most OP move in the game), Giga Drain.

Hope this helps :] if you need any more help PM me or someone else who posts on the thread :]
it's 2022 and we livin
252+ Atk Mega Swampert Superpower vs. 212 HP / 60 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 158-186 (76.3 - 89.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Not really @breeder_falkon
[Insert signature here]
Pretty sure I calc'd vs 4 H P / 0 DEF though. which has a chance. Quite slim but I think this was what I meant.

252+ Atk Mega Swampert Superpower vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 168-198 (92.8 - 109.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
it's 2022 and we livin

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