Poll: Is my X Team good?
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My Pokemon X Story Team Explained
A long, 100% My Opinion post is Below, Enjoy!

Pokemon X is becoming to be one of my favourite Pokemon games in the franchise. My 5th Run of the game consists of various Pokemon that some players have played with in the past, while some are unheard of and are my team for specific reasons. Here we go!

The first member of the team is a, how you put it, sacrificial Pokemon. It will only be used when certain members are down and i need to heal them immediately after they faint.

Luvdisc - Level 64
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Quirky
Equipped Item: Focus Sash

Sweet Kiss
Hydro Pump
Aqua Ring

"We'll take a generic Water-type, give it crummy stats EVERYWHERE except for Speed, give him a trait that doubles his Speed in the rain and the option to use Agility and call it a day. Luvdisc is great if you're playing with Battle Timeout, because its mere presence should cause your opponent to laugh at it for so long that you win the match.

The attack Charm turns Luvdisc into a very sturdy physical wall that can survive two Caterpie Tackles and force it to switch out.
and instead of listing Luvdisc's counters, I'll list here what doesn't counter Luvdisc..." - Smogon

I put a Focus Sash on here because in an event where i heal someone and the opponent uses a powerful attack, Luvdisc is at least able to survive a hit for me to heal someone else up before the Heart-Shaped Fish dies a terrible electrical fait.

Kingdra - Level 66
Ability: Sniper
Nature: Modest
Equipped Item: Chesto Berry

Dragon Pulse
Hydro Pump
Dragon Dance

Kingdra, with Dragon Dance powering up Dragon Pulse, it can be a force to be reckon with. it doubles up as my Surf partner because Surf is a good move to use on it. Kingdra should be feared, Unless you have another dragon pokemon out against it. Plus it has no weakness to Ice being part water which is a bonus!

Aegislash - Level 65
Ability: Stance Change
Nature: Hasty
Equipped Item: Focus Band

Iron Head
Swords Dance
Iron Defence
Sacred Sword

with the ability of Stance Change, being a wall and a strong attacker can be helpful. I have Iron Defence on this particular Aegislash because it has Hasty which lowers the stat. I would've gone with something else had it got another nature, but this set works just fine for my taste for being a strong pokemon. In the Blade form Sacred Sword and Iron Head are more powerful then it would've been in it's Shield Form.

Charizard - Level 66
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Lonely
Equipped Item: Charzardite X

Swords Dance

Charizard, despite not being Mega-Evolved, is still a good pokemon. With Lonely as it's nature buffing up it's Attack stat, Charizard is powerful. It's moves consisting of Swords Dance and Inferno deal good amounts of damage. It's a good secondary starter if you didn't want to use the main starters, like i did

Reuniclus - Level 65
Ability: Magic Guard
Nature: Hasty
Equipped Item: TwistedSpoon

Future Sight
Light Screen

My Psychic choice for my team. Reuniclus i wanted to use since the days of Black and White. It's a good Psychic Special Attacker. Putting up the screens is a good thing because it allows you to be resilient while you use your other moves to take the opponent down. My strategy is this: Set up the Screens, Put a Future Sight up, then spam Psychic, pretty much simple as that.

Garchomp - Level 68
Equipped Item: Garchompite

Dragon Rush
Dragon Claw
Brick Break

The last member mentioned here: Garchomp will be my strongest pokemon used here. It can demolish anything in it's path. With a moveset similar to Cynthia's, and with it being Mega-Evolved, Dragon Rush and Dragon Claw will provide enormous amounts of damage, kissing it's opponent goodbye without warning. good luck defeating this beast if you don't have an Ice type on your team!
I feel like it doesn't even matter if your team is good since the game is way to easy. You could probably just use a Dunsparce and still manage to beat the game. Also, you're using a lot of strategy (Luvdisc supporting, Reuniclus with the double screens), but the in-game part requires little to no strategy at all. Honestly if you know your type charts well, you don't even need that much stuff since the game is just programmed to go for the most effective move without ever predicting and/or switching. However, besides that, I will point out some of your team flaws, even tough I really don't think you will have any problem in game at all.

1- Your team is weak to Ghost, Dark and Dragon.

2-Some of the items are kinda weird; Chesto Berry on Kingdra is pretty useless since you do not have Rest and you can use Full Restores. Focus Band is not a reliable item since it's based on luck, but it's still useable if you want.

3-Dragon Dance doesn't boost any of your Kingdra's moves since they are all special, so it only boosts your speed.

4-I don't think that Iron Defense on Aegislash is useful since it's already really tanky, you could instead use something like Shadow Claw/Sneak. Same goes for Charm on Luvdisc, I don't think Charm is good, but it's still more useful than Iron Defense on Aegislash.

There's probably more things that could be changed, but these are the major flaws. With that being said, good luck on your playthrough.

PS: Sorry if I sound harsh, I don't mean to be offensive or anything.
I'm constantly moving my team around, so i'll take your advice into consideration when settling on something i like, i have a crap ton of pokemon in the PC to use

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