Hey people I ve played Pokemon for scince it was in gen 2 and I have only beat the gen 4. Pokedex but I want to get all 720 so if people can help I would realllllly appreciate it!!! A lot of help is needed thanks
56/58/61 and 62 lash 69/70/71/75/76/77/78/79/80/83/86/ 87/88/89/90 and then I need 92/93/94/95 then I need 98/99 102. 104105106107108 then 113 116 120 122 through 126 129/131/134 through 137/139 through 141/143 to 147/150 and 151 and that's with Kanto
153 through 155/158 through 162/164 through 166/170-171 173 through 177 179 180
183 186 through 190 193 through 195 197 199 and 200/202 206 through 211 214 and 216 through 217/219 to 222 226/229/231 through 234/236/238/240/245/249
now now for Whoenn
258 into 59 283 292 and 294/295 317 329 339 343 345 347 and 349 355 357 360 and 361/363/ 366 through 369 380/382
now sinoh
388 through 394 396 through 401 404/409 through 414 416 through 418/420/422 through 424/ 428/431/434 through 439/441/444/446/449/452/ 455 through 459/461 and 462/466 through 469/471 and 472
474/476/479 through 487/492
495 through 500/502 through 505/509 through 514/516 517/519 through 522/524 through 530/532/535
537/540 and 541/543 through 545/548 through 555/557/559/561/563 through 567/569 572 through 574/576/578 through 583 585 through 589/591 through 596/599 through 607/611/613 /615 through 620/622/624 through 627/629/631 through 635/637/642/644 through 647/649
kalos o.o
651 and 652 655 659 and 660 662/665 through 668 670/674/675/ 678/680/682/685 through 690/692/694 and 695/698 through 700/702/ 705/708/710 through 711/713 and 714 and finally 719 that is all of them please help
(May 29, 2016, 07:59 PM)Excalibur0126 Wrote: You don't need any event Pokemon. Plus, you could organize your list a bit better with the names of the Pokemon.p