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New Pokémon GO Information
So Pokémon released some new information on PGO. So it seems we'll be able to join one of three gyms and be able to challenge and work together with the other gyms. I'm not sure exactly how that's going to work, but it does sound interesting. Also, it appears that in order to evolve a Pokémon, you must catch multiples of its pre-evolved form to do so. There will be sites in the real world called PokéStops where you'll be able o catch Pokémon and certain Pokémon will be region specific. You also will be able to hatch eggs the same way you do in the games by walking around.

What are your thoughts on this new information? You can read more about it on Pokémon's official site.
Dang that's awesome
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
So it's not going to be like in the games where you challenge the 8 gyms? Instead you'll be joining one of three gyms and challenging and helping other gyms? And we have to catch multiple pre-evolved pokemon to evolve them?

I would look forward to it if I had a smartphone so instead I'll just look forward of feeling jealous of everyone else can play it xD

It's fine, I'll probably get a smartphone at some point. The idea of having a Augmented Reality Sandslash sounds awesome!
im not sure if links to a video is allowed and sorry if it isn't but ill take down if not but this really helps explain the information that was released.
Does anyone know when it will be avaiable in Brazil?

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