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New here!
Um... Hi. I'm new to this website. I used to only go on this website for the Poke Radar counter but I thought this would be a great way to find some new friends and trade. I suppose my username isn't very creative, but it's my favorite shiny Pokemon, Jigglypuff. Smile

Mainly what I do in Pokemon is shiny hunt. It usually takes a long time to find one, which makes it even more satisfying to finally get it. 

I guess that's all I really have to say for now. Bye.  Wink
Welcome... I guess?
I hope you come back!?
(idk what to say)
I'm not gone... Yet... for now... I guess.

This might be out of the blue, but did you want to register each other?
Sure! I'll add you rn!
Welcome to the forum!
Your number one flying-type trainer!

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