I'm new to the meta game and looking to learn how to build a team, and one of the options I've picked for one of my teams is a Toxapex! (yes very common, I know.) My question is how do I get a pokemon with a specific ability IE regenerator and the correct nature? is it simply by grinding out Corsela's or am I good to start breeding once I get Mareanie? Just a tibid I'm looking to eventually get a bold Toxapex with the regen ability.
If you want the toxapex with its HA then you will have to grind it out and hope you get lucky and after you can start breeding it to get the nature you want since if the parent has the Hidden ability then there is always the chance the offspring will also have it but if none of the parents have it then the offspring will never have the HA.
If you want to know if the pokemon has a HA then its best to use moves like skill swap on it, entertainment or role play as these moves will copy the ability of the opponent.
(Jan 3, 2017, 04:52 PM)Athral_Burn Wrote: If you want the toxapex with its HA then you will have to grind it out and hope you get lucky and after you can start breeding it to get the nature you want since if the parent has the Hidden ability then there is always the chance the offspring will also have it but if none of the parents have it then the offspring will never have the HA.
If you want to know if the pokemon has a HA then its best to use moves like skill swap on it, entertainment or role play as these moves will copy the ability of the opponent.
Awesome! Do you know any mon off the top of your head that are able to learn any of those moves and false swipe?
Best pokemon for hunting is Smeargle it can know everything you will need.
There's currently a Toxapex giveaway going on, but if you wanted, there's a few trade shops that also have 5IV HA Mareanies that you could rebreed for your OT on them. Totally up to you, but there's a ton of ways to get a desired Pokemon without having to SOS chain, etc.