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Now Taking Ideas for next Giveaway {Closed}
Hello everyone as my first Giveaway of shiny Froakies is coming to an end I look forward to preparing for my next Giveaway. I need your help to get some ideas for the next Distribution. The more ideas the better. (If you have not got your Froakies yet please visit the thread or PM me there may be some left.)

The way this will work to make it fun is you will post the Pokemon, ability and nature that I should distribute then make a catchy name for the distribution.

Example would be like this:

Murkrow, Super Luck, Adament: "Super Lucky Adament Bringers of Darkness"

Get as creative as you want the more ideas the  better.

After we have a few good ideas I will open a vote where you guys will PM me your votes for the next Distribution. I will leave the thread open for 4 days to give everyone a chance to post their opinion.
I was planning on doing an Unfezant giveaway on Thanksgiving before Powersaves got bogged down. If you wanna use my idea I'll be grateful. I was planning on giving this out:

Unfezant @ Power Herb
Jolly - Super Luck
- Sky Attack
- Return
- Night Slash
- U-Turn
(Nov 25, 2014, 11:27 PM)Joushou Wrote: I was planning on doing an Unfezant giveaway on Thanksgiving before Powersaves got bogged down. If you wanna use my idea I'll be grateful. I was planning on giving this out:

Unfezant @ Power Herb
Jolly - Super Luck
- Sky Attack
- Return
- Night Slash
- U-Turn

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here is what would like to see in a shiny giveaway

Shiny braviary
Jolly - Defiant

Brave Bird
air slash
Here's my idea: "Psychic adamant mega swordsmaster"

Shiny Gallade
-shadow sneak
-psycho cut
-drain punch/brick break/close combat
-bulk up/swords dance/protect
I like all the ideas guys, just keep them coming. Also thanks to Justin for commenting on the thread.
My Idea: "Fluffy Puffy Modest Dragon Flavored Marshmallows"

Shiny Altaria (Mega Stone Optional)
252 Spatk / 252 HP / 4 Spe
Hyper Voice
Dragon Pulse
Fire Blast
Hmm since it's pretty close to Christmas what about this?

"Santa's snowy helper"

[Image: sawsbuck-winter.gif]
Sawsbuck (Winter version)
Ability: Sap Sipper
Jolly Nature
252 Atk4 SpD 252 Spe
Horn Leech
Jump Kick
Unfezant "Thanksgiving Meal"

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