Welcome to Rogue's competitive guide to items! (For VGC15...in case new items come out..)
Items are one of the most important parts when it comes to your team. Items have a role of supporting your Pokemon, or in some cases: Maximizing their usefulness. Having the right item on your Pokemon, is like having the right nature on your Pokemon. It's like having the right toppings on your pizza. Sure, pizza is good on it's own. But you can really maximize the tastyness of that pizza with the right toppings. (which is totally a pizza without mushrooms) You feel me? No? Too much? Shut up? Gotcha.
A few disclaimers:
1. For the sake of making things simple, this guide is for VGC. A lot of these can be used in singles, but there are better choices out there. Same thing for the other way around: Some of these items REALLY shine in singles, but aren't as useful in VGC.
2. I won't be covering every single item. I'll explain a few "gimicky" or even the "super situational" items, but not all of them. Some of them just aren't worth being mentioned.
3. I'll be giving examples of what Pokemon should have what item. This is just my opinion, and if I don't showcase a certain item on a certain Pokemon: Have no fear. That doesn't mean that it isn't viable. Drop it down in the comments below for me to see! It's very easy to miss a certain pair.
That being said... Let's get started!
-Recovery items-
Leftovers ![[Image: Bag_Leftovers_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0f/Bag_Leftovers_Sprite.png)
At the end of every turn, the holder of this item restores 1/16th of it's max HP.
Leftovers is one of the most common recovery items in both singles and doubles. It's best used on Pokemon that are gonna stay on the field for a while. Pokemon like Suicune, Thundurus, Aegislash, and Ferrothorn use this item nicely. (Ferrothorn especially due to the common move used on it: Leech Seed) You don't want to put this on a Pokemon who isn't gonna last. Like Raichu, Bisharp, Terrakion, or Talonflame. You won't get anything out of your leftovers recovery due to how frail these mons are, and how they're better suited with other items.
Black Sludge ![[Image: Bag_Black_Sludge_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/41/Bag_Black_Sludge_Sprite.png)
Each turn, if the user is poison type, the holder of this item restores 1/16th of it's max HP. If they are not a poison type, they lose 1/8th.
This item is very similar to leftovers, except it only works for poison types. This is important due to item restrictions in VGC, since you can't have 2 Pokemon holding leftovers; One of them can hold this one! Only if it's Poison type... This one doesn't need much explanation. This item works best on bulky poison types like: Amoongus, Venusaur, Nidoqueen, and Tentacruel. You don't want to use this on a frail poison type: Like Gengar. Oh, and Pokemon who aren't Poison type...
Sitrus Berry ![[Image: TagSitrus.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/50/TagSitrus.png)
Restores 1/4 (25%) of the holders max HP when at half health, or lower. Single use.
I decided to put Sitrus Berry in here instead of putting it in the "Berries" section. It's too important to not note here. It's arguably the best recovery item for VGC when it comes to bulky mons. The only down side is that it only works under 50%, meaning some mons can 2HKO you without even procing your berry. But if it doesn't happen like that, it's a great way to make your opponent throw their DSjust when they thought they almost KO'd your bulky mon. Sitrus works best, in my opinion: With the really threatening bulky pokemon. Like Suicune, who can set up tailwind, use icy wind, use snarl, KO dragons with ice beam, etc etc. So because Suicune is so threatening, and has so many uses to shut a team down: People will most likely double target it. Sitrus makes it was easier for Suicune to live longer. It also works well with rage powder/follow me users! Same with the others, it doesn't work well on frail pokemon. Don't use sitrus berry Dugtrio. Please.
Notable mentions:
Big Root:![[Image: Bag_Big_Root_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Big_Root_Sprite.png)
"The HP stolen by HP-draining moves is increased by 30%. It affects the moves Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Leech Life, Dream Eater, Drain Punch, Horn Leech, Draining Kiss, Parabolic Charge, Oblivion Wing—and despite not being HP-stealing moves—Ingrain and Aqua Ring. It does not increase the damage dealt by any of these moves." Basically, don't use this on Pokemon who don't have access to these moves. Not the best item choice, but it can be fun.
Shell Bell:![[Image: Bag_Shell_Bell_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/97/Bag_Shell_Bell_Sprite.png)
"Whenever the Pokémon holding it deals damage, it restores 1/8 of the damage dealt as HP." Pretty fun item, and has some uses. Use it on heavy hitters, but once again: This isn't the most ideal item for recovery.
-Choice Items-
*IMPORTANT: You can only use the first move selected while using a choiced item. Meaning you literally cannot switch moves unless you switch out.*
Choice Band ![[Image: 20091007074858%21Bag_Choice_Band_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/archive/c/cb/20091007074858%21Bag_Choice_Band_Sprite.png)
Boosts Attack by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected.
Choice items are very rewarding, but can also cost you many games. You can't switch your move, which /really/ hurts you in doubles. You can't protect, you attack again if you get disabled, and you cant switch moves if there's 2 threats on the field. But at the same time, you risk these for the sheer power of having your attack boosted by 50%! It's best to put this on (well, a physical attacker)a heavy hitter who usually only serves one role. For example, Landorus-T. Most Landorus-T's just click earthquake, or rockslide. So it doesn't matter if you're locked in. Or a Pokemon like Talonflame, who literally only clicks brave bird 80% of the time. It's also a good way to focus on bulk instead of attack. If your Landorus-T has so much attack thanks to choice band, you can focus on HP and defenses instead! Don't use this on pokemon with really diverse movepools who constantly switch it up, and don't use this on special attackers. Please.
Choice Scarf ![[Image: Bag_Choice_Scarf_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7a/Bag_Choice_Scarf_Sprite.png)
Boosts Speed by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected.
Same thing as choice band! Be wary of this item due to it's locking side effect. But choice scarf is one of the best choiced items, because you can outspeed common threats with it and snag a surprising KO. Examples of this are: Landorus-T, Tyranitar, Latios, Hydreigon, Heatran, and more. Latios is one of my favorites, because it can outspeed scarfed landorus-T (who is very common) and OHKO it with an Ice Beam! Don't use this on super fast mons. If I see you using scarf Aerodactyl I'll probably flame choke you.
Choice Specs ![[Image: Bag_Choice_Specs_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b1/Bag_Choice_Specs_Sprite.png)
Boosts Special Attack by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected.
Same story, different item. It works just like choice band, but it's for special attack; Not attack. Works best on Pokemon like Sylveon, Hydreigon, Salamence, etc. Don't use choice specs Conkeldurr. Thats my strat. Oh, and don't do something like choice specs Gengar. It may sound like a good idea thanks to Gar's high special attack: But Gar has a great move pool and has access to things like icy wind/will-o which is useless for specs. You feel me?
-Condition Boosters-
IMPORTANT: I wanted to note these, just to say this: These aren't too great for VGC excluding like one. I'll explain why: The weather boosting rocks are usually a waste of an item slot. VGC matches don't last long, so boosting your weather to 8 turns instead of 5 can be a waste. Since most matches are only about 5 turns or less. So instead of that, you're better off with a recovery item, offensive item, berry, etc. Plus your weather can turn on you if your opponents team takes advantage of it. So it's best to have less turns at that point. and FINALLY: weather wars are very common. You bring your damp rock politoed, and your opponent switches into Tyranitar and now the sand it up. Bam, useless item. Get it?
Light Clay ![[Image: Bag_Light_Clay_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/96/Bag_Light_Clay_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Light Screen and Reflect from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder.
In my opinion, this is the best condition booster for VGC. Considering you usually burn 1 turn of one screen to put up the other, it's nice to have increased turns. Plus, having light screen/reflect up only really helps you. Unless you run into someone using brick break. Which, wow. They would be pretty next level or stupid. Not much to say here, this is best used on prankster pokemon with reflect/light screen. Or just really bulky pokemon with access to those moves. Prankster is the best IMO, like Meowstic for example. Don't use this on Abra. Don't. You'll catch these hands. You know better than that.
Damp Rock ![[Image: Bag_Damp_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Damp_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Rain Dance and Drizzle from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Politoed, thanks to it's Drizzle ability.
Heat Rock ![[Image: Bag_Heat_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/40/Bag_Heat_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Sunny Day and Drought from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Ninetails, thanks to it's Drought ability.
Icy Rock ![[Image: Bag_Icy_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7e/Bag_Icy_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Hail and Snow Warning from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Obamasnow, and Glaceon. Thanks to their Snow Warning ability.
Smooth Rock ![[Image: Bag_Smooth_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/39/Bag_Smooth_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Sandstorm and Sand Stream from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Tyranitar, thanks to it's Sand Stream ability.
-Power Boosters/Stat Enhancers-
Light Ball ![[Image: Bag_Light_Ball_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/80/Bag_Light_Ball_Sprite.png)
Doubles both the Attack and Special Attack of Pikachu!!!! PIKACHU!!! DOUBLED!!!Don't use Pikachu
Eviolite ![[Image: Bag_Eviolite_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5f/Bag_Eviolite_Sprite.png)
Raises the holder's Defense and Special Defense by 50% if the holder is not fully evolved. This is a really great item. The only flaw it has is that it only really shines on certain pre-evolved pokemon. The other flaw is that it can be knocked off, with, well, Knock Off. Other than that, it's a great item! However, you can't just throw this on any pre-evolved pokemon and call it a day. It has to have use. For example: Dusclops gets incredibly bulky with eviolite since it has 130 defense, and special defense. and that gets raised by HALF with eviolite. Making Dusclops an even greater pokemon due to it's move pool of will-o-wisp, trick room, and more. Other Pokemon it works well on: Golbat, Clefairy, Porygon 2, and more. Don't use this on Cresselia. Or Joltik. You stop that right now.
Assault Vest ![[Image: Bag_Assault_Vest_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/53/Bag_Assault_Vest_Sprite.png)
Raises the holder's Special Defense by 50%, but also prevents the holder from using Status moves. Assault Vest, or AV for short: Is one of my favorite items in Pokemon. However, I love and hate it for VGC. In my opinion, protect is the best move in VGC. VGC has always been similar to a game of chess to me, and protect is literally like saving one of your pieces on the board so another can support/or move forward. But with AV, you can't use protect. However, that doesn't take away how great this item is. It's best used on Pokemon who have really great coverage, or Pokemon who have recovery attacks: Like Conkeldurr! Taking special attacks like a champ, and gaining the HP back with a nice drain punch. Yum. Delicious. Nutritious. Anyways: Other good choices are: Azumarill, Hariyama, Machamp, Landorus-T, and more. (Notice how most don't even have a recovery move, AV is still nice for them to make them live super effective special attacks; and lets you ev more in attack)
Life Orb ![[Image: Bag_Life_Orb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Life_Orb_Sprite.png)
Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, but it loses 1/10th of it's max HP after the attack. I have a love/hate relationship with Life Orb. It's great, and it's almost like a choice band/specs but with the ability to switch up your moves: However, in the game of VGC you want to keep your pokemon alive as much as you can due to only being able to use 4 out of 6 of them. So as you can see, losing 1/10th of your HP in doubles can be bad. But then again, OHKO'ing everything because of your life orb is also great! Life Orb is best used with pokemon who have sheer force (because it negates the hp loss) or heavy attackers who are frail already. Like Bisharp, Nidoqueen/King, Talonflame, Rampardos, and more. Technically, you can use this however you want. But I just wouldn't recommend it on bulky support types, who you want to stay on the field as long as possible. Then again, switching it up and making a bulky support turn into an offensive mon can be quite the surprise. So it's hard to use life orb wrong. Unless you throw it on a Caterpie.
Expert Belt ![[Image: Bag_Expert_Belt_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/48/Bag_Expert_Belt_Sprite.png)
Boosts power of super effective moves by 20%
"It's not a team made by Rogue unless something has expert belt on it." Which is probably true, I love E-Belt. It's almost like a Life orb for super effective attacks, without the HP Loss. However it shouldn't be used /exactly/ like Life Orb. For example, I wouldn't run E-Belt Bisharp. Because 9/10 if Bisharp hits something super effectively with iron head/knock off, it's probablydead ko'd. However, thats not always the case if you don't hit it with a super effective move. Thats why Life Orb is better for Bisharp, to get max damage on any mon that you targeted. Expert Belt is much better for bulkier mons, who have a diverse move pool. Or it can be a nice surprise for KO's. Like for example, I gave Justin a Zapdos with E-Belt. A lot of people spec to not get 2HKO'd/OHKO'd by Zapdos's thunderbolt, but they account for the bulky sitrus/charti/leftovers variant because thats what everyone runs. E-Belt surprises them and nets a lot of KO's. It's a nice surprise, and a reason why E-Belt is one of my favorite items. Don't be afraid to try new things. Like I said: Works great on bulkyish mons who have a great movepool, or for mons who only have a few uses (example, Zapdos was a great check to Suicune) Or great for surprises. It's obvious what it doesn't work on: Really strong mons don't need it, it'd be overkill. You're better off running life orb to hit everything hard, instead of mons who are only weak to you.
Weakness Policy ![[Image: Bag_Weakness_Policy_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ac/Bag_Weakness_Policy_Sprite.png)
A one-time use item that raises the holder's Attack and Special Attack 2 stages when hit by a super effective move.
I'm honestly surprised I don't see this item on every team. I've always thought this item was broken, and I feel like it's underused. How many times does one of your mons live a super effective move? Quite a lot. You could be having +2 SPA/ATK after living that thanks to this item. Plus, Knock Off doesn't even effect it if your target is weak to dark (which is dumb to me) So even if you hit that weakness policy Aegislash with knock off, the policy is still gonna activate. (seriously, gamefreak. pls.)
Any who, yeah. Weakness Policy. Definitely in my top 5 for best items. It can really be used on anything that's slightly bulky. The best ones in my opinion are: Aegislash (thanks to it's shield form defenses + its common weaknesses) Rhyperior (thanks to its good defenses, common weaknesses, and solid rock ability) Dragonite (common weaknesses, decent bulk, and multiscale) etc etc. You literally punish your opponent for hitting you with the right move. Okay, yeah, I'm a little salty over this items existence. I admit. You can use it on lots of things though. Suicune, Milotic, Sylveon, etc. all of those are pretty bulky and can benefit from this. Don't use this on mons who can't take a super effective hit. Like Bisharp (sorry sharp, i keep using you here) Bisharp isn't taking that drain punch from Conkeldurr.
Notable Mentions:
These are kind of gimicky, but can be used. No need to explain these, they can be fun to toy around with.
Scope Lens:![[Image: Bag_Scope_Lens_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ab/Bag_Scope_Lens_Sprite.png)
Increases the holder's critical hit ratio by one stage. ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_XnBqPRbWQ works with scope lens or razor claw
Wide Lens:![[Image: Bag_Wide_Lens_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Wide_Lens_Sprite.png)
Boosts the holder's accuracy by 10% of the original accuracy. Hit all the stone edges!
-Herbs/Focus Sash-
Mental Herb ![[Image: Bag_Mental_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/05/Bag_Mental_Herb_Sprite.png)
Removes the effects of infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, Disable, and Cursed Body. Consumed after use.
I'm a HUGEEEE fan of Trick Room. It's probably my favorite way to play VGC.Probably because Trick Room is so useless in singles Mental Herb is a great way to ensure your trick room set up. So many trick room teams can be shut down by Thundurus taunting their TR setter. Mental Herb will eat the taunt, and let you use TR. It's a must have on your team if it relies on trick room. (Advice from a fellow trick room user: Put protect on your TR setter. Mental Herb can fail you if you get double targeted fake'd out and taunted. because it eats your mental herb and makes you flinch, letting your opponents taunter to taunt again next turn. With protect you can shield the fake out, and set up TR next turn.) Best used on Cresselia, Jellicent, Slowbro/King, etc. Don't use this if you have 2 trick room setters/arent using trick room lol.
White Herb ![[Image: Bag_White_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/85/Bag_White_Herb_Sprite.png)
Removes any negative stat changes to holder. Consumed after use.
This is an underused item, and I can see why. It's situational. But it's still very nice. White herb will negate an intimidate, which is really nice for those heavy hitter mons that you want at full power. Better yet: it takes away your debuffs from moves like close combat, and super power. Try it out, I like it. Nothing else to say here, But I still wanted to mention it. It's obvious on what you should/shouldnt use it on.
Focus Sash ![[Image: Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/1d/Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png)
If the holder has full HP and is hit by an attack that would otherwise cause fainting, it survives with 1 HP. Can also protect against recoil damage and self-inflicted confusion damage.
This is another REALLY good item in my opinion. It basically gives you a way to ensure damage. (unless you got doubled up on..) It's really simple, but needs to be noted. Only use this on frail pokemon. Especially Bisharp and Terrakion, who are great at giving off big damage and are easily KO'd. Don't run focus sash cresselia. Pls.
Er... Notable mention?
Power Herb:![[Image: Bag_Power_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f3/Bag_Power_Herb_Sprite.png)
Allows user to omit first turn of charge-up required moves. Consumed after use. It affects Solar Beam, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, Razor Wind, Fly, Dig, Dive, Bounce, Shadow Force, Freeze Shock, Ice Burn, Phantom Force and Geomancy.
Power Herb Geomancy Smeargle Baton Pass
-Negative Effect On Holder-
Flame Orb/Toxic Orb ![[Image: Bag_Toxic_Orb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/38/Bag_Toxic_Orb_Sprite.png)
Inflicts the holder with a burn after one turn of battle/Inflicts the holder with bad poison after one turn of battle.
Throwing these together because they basically serve the same purpose: Fling, or Guts pokemon are the main reason. Fling will throw your orb at your target. Fling with flame orb will burn the target, Fling with toxic orb will poison the target. In VGC it's 9/10 Burn > Poison. For guts, holding this will burn or poison the holder. Guts raises your attack when statused. Same here, use flame orb. Less damage over time and you get the nice damage boost. Use this on Conkeldurr, Hariyama, Weavile (fling gawd) and Heracross. Don't put a toxic orb on your steelix. what are you doing?
Iron Ball ![[Image: Bag_Iron_Ball_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b5/Bag_Iron_Ball_Sprite.png)
Cuts the holder's Speed by 50%; negates the Levitate Ability, and effects of Telekinesis and Magnet Rise from the holder and makes Flying-type holders susceptible to Ground-type moves. This basically has 3 uses. 1. Lowers a fast pokemons speed so you can use it in Trick Room effectively. 2. Use Trick on your opponent to make THEIR pokemon really slow/negate their flying type. and 3. The strongest item for fling. When using fling with this item, it raises it's power to 130. Lots of fun ways to use this, and it's self explanatory. Try it out!
Air Ballon ![[Image: Bag_Air_Balloon_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d0/Bag_Air_Balloon_Sprite.png)
Gives the holder immunity to Ground-type moves, but pops when the holder is attacked. Indirect damage will not pop the balloon, and neither will Ground-type moves used against the holder. Breaking a holder's Substitute will also pop the balloon.
This can be a really annoying item to deal with, surprisingly. It especially annoys choice scarf Landorus-T. Since it usually locks itself into Earthquake. It can also annoy them even if they aren't locked because it forces them to choose a move. EQ to hit your other mon, or use a different move that may be resisted. Anywho, it's obvious what this is best for. Heatran, Excadrill, Arcanine, etc. Bulky/Offensive mons who don't want to get hit by EQ: the move that basically everyone learns. Don't use Air Ballon Rotom Fan.
Bright Powder ![[Image: Bag_Bright_Powder_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/3e/Bag_Bright_Powder_Sprite.png)
Raises the holder's evasion by 10%
If you're literally Satan and like to kick small puppies, run Bright powder. Also use double team, or minimize. Only everyone will hate you.
King's Rock ![[Image: Bag_King%27s_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/ba/Bag_King%27s_Rock_Sprite.png)
Has a 10% chance of causing the target Pokémon to flinch when using a move that deals damage and does not already have a chance to flinch.
Contrary to popular belief, this doesn't stack with things like rock slide/airslash. However, here's a strat! Cloyster gets skill link. Which makes multi hits hit max times. It also gets icicle spear. Skill link guarantees 5 hits. Put on kings rock, each 5 hits has a 10% chance to flinch your opponent. sorry.
Red Card ![[Image: Bag_Red_Card_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9b/Bag_Red_Card_Sprite.png)
A one-time use item that forces the opponent to switch to a random Pokémon when the holder is attacked by a move.
This is a great item and can really shift the tone of the battle. you opponent can have a great lead match up against you, and get red card'd out into something really weak to your leads. Plus its just annoying. Now your opponent has to switch back out or try to think of a new tactic. Best used on really bulky mons like Amoongus. No red card pidgey.
Rocky Helmet ![[Image: Bag_Rocky_Helmet_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4b/Bag_Rocky_Helmet_Sprite.png)
Contact moves used against the holder will damage the attacker with 1/6 of their maximum HP.
A very common item within good reason. It's honestly mostly here for one reason: Mega Kangaskhan. If M-Kang hits the rocky helmet holder 4 times, M-Kang will lose 4/6th's of it's health. Woooo! It's best on bulky/redirect mons like Amoongus, Suicune, Arcanine, and Togekiss.
Safety Goggles ![[Image: Bag_Safety_Goggles_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/20/Bag_Safety_Goggles_Sprite.png)
Grants the holder immunity to weather-related damage and powder moves.
This is also one of my favorite items in the meta game. Amoongus is just so common, as is spore spam in general from venusaur/breloom. Safety goggles lets you bypass rage powder, and bypass spore/powder moves in general. Which is really nice. It works best on pokemon who can straight up check amoongus/a strong mon who can't really touch amoongus, but can touch everything else. Random scenario: Say you're using safety goggles zapdos for whatever reason. Your opponent has a suicune, and an amoongus on the field. Your opponent rage powders with amoongus, so your zapdos has to target it, while the suicune calm minds. Safety goggles ignores rage powder, lets you target suicune, and hit it with a thunderbolt. making amoongus basically useless that turn. Also, safety goggles is nice to have for trick room teams, since amoongus is so slow and can just spore everyone. Best users in my opinion are: Heatran, Rotom-h/w, and more. Don't use safety goggles amoongus.
All of these are pretty self explanatory, I'll only explain a few. Berries are very important though!
Lum Berry ![[Image: Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a6/Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.png)
Cures any status condition.
Lum Berry is one of the best items in the game, and should be used. It gets rid of ANY status condition. With so much will-o-wisp users, so many spore spammers, and so many thundurus users going around tossing out T-Waves: This item is perfect. Nothing else to really say. It works best on fast and strong pokemon, usually physical attackers to bait a will-o-wisp. My personal favorites are Scizor (you can swords dance on a predicted will-o) Terrakion (targeted by thunderwave/will-o often) Landorus, and more. I really think physical attackers work best, because they really bait that burn.
*These are berries that halve the damage taken from a super effective move. Best paired with pokemon with a x4 weakness, but still only helps you even if its x2 weakness.
Occa Berry:![[Image: Bag_Occa_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ab/Bag_Occa_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Fire-type move
Passho Berry:![[Image: Bag_Passho_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/6a/Bag_Passho_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Water-type move
Wacan Berry:![[Image: Bag_Wacan_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/25/Bag_Wacan_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Electric-type move
Rindo Berry:![[Image: Bag_Rindo_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Rindo_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Grass-type move
Yache Berry:![[Image: Bag_Yache_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4e/Bag_Yache_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Ice-type move
Chople Berry:![[Image: Bag_Chople_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/56/Bag_Chople_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Fighting-type move
Kebia Berry![[Image: Bag_Kebia_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4e/Bag_Kebia_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Poison-type move
Shuca Berry:![[Image: Bag_Shuca_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Bag_Shuca_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Ground-type move
Coba Berry:![[Image: Bag_Coba_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f6/Bag_Coba_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Flying-type move
Payapa Berry:![[Image: Bag_Payapa_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Payapa_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Psychic-type move
Tanga Berry:![[Image: Bag_Tanga_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Bag_Tanga_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Bug-type move
Charti Berry:![[Image: Bag_Charti_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/53/Bag_Charti_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Rock-type move
Kasib Berry:![[Image: Bag_Kasib_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c5/Bag_Kasib_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Ghost-type move
Haban Berry:![[Image: Bag_Haban_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/dd/Bag_Haban_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Dragon-type move
Colbur Berry:![[Image: Bag_Colbur_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f1/Bag_Colbur_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Dark-type move
Babiri Berry:![[Image: Bag_Babiri_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/cb/Bag_Babiri_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Steel-type move
-The Plates-
![[Image: Bag_Zap_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a6/Bag_Zap_Plate_Sprite.png)
The Arceus plates can be used by every pokemon. Except it has a different effect. For example, If Arceus holds the Draco plate: It turns into a dragon type and makes it's signature move Judgement turn into a dragon typed attack. If someone like Hydreigon holds onto Draco plate: All dragon type moves are boosted by 20% power. It's basically the poor mans dragon gem, since those aren't obtainable in VGC15. You can find all the plates in this link: http://www.ign.com/wikis/pokemon-omega-r...eus_Plates
There's a plate for every type, and each one does the same thing: Buffing the attacks of a certain type by 20%.
Finally: Check out my team building guide! http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-ORAS-VG...ffectively
Check out my sisters EV'ing guide! http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-A-Guide...-Potential
and check out my sisters guide to speed control! http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-ORAS-VG...ol-and-You
Phew. There. I'm done. Hope you enjoy. I'm gonna go play smash 4 now.
Items are one of the most important parts when it comes to your team. Items have a role of supporting your Pokemon, or in some cases: Maximizing their usefulness. Having the right item on your Pokemon, is like having the right nature on your Pokemon. It's like having the right toppings on your pizza. Sure, pizza is good on it's own. But you can really maximize the tastyness of that pizza with the right toppings. (which is totally a pizza without mushrooms) You feel me? No? Too much? Shut up? Gotcha.
A few disclaimers:
1. For the sake of making things simple, this guide is for VGC. A lot of these can be used in singles, but there are better choices out there. Same thing for the other way around: Some of these items REALLY shine in singles, but aren't as useful in VGC.
2. I won't be covering every single item. I'll explain a few "gimicky" or even the "super situational" items, but not all of them. Some of them just aren't worth being mentioned.
3. I'll be giving examples of what Pokemon should have what item. This is just my opinion, and if I don't showcase a certain item on a certain Pokemon: Have no fear. That doesn't mean that it isn't viable. Drop it down in the comments below for me to see! It's very easy to miss a certain pair.
That being said... Let's get started!
-Recovery items-
![[Image: Bag_Leftovers_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0f/Bag_Leftovers_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Leftovers_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0f/Bag_Leftovers_Sprite.png)
At the end of every turn, the holder of this item restores 1/16th of it's max HP.
Leftovers is one of the most common recovery items in both singles and doubles. It's best used on Pokemon that are gonna stay on the field for a while. Pokemon like Suicune, Thundurus, Aegislash, and Ferrothorn use this item nicely. (Ferrothorn especially due to the common move used on it: Leech Seed) You don't want to put this on a Pokemon who isn't gonna last. Like Raichu, Bisharp, Terrakion, or Talonflame. You won't get anything out of your leftovers recovery due to how frail these mons are, and how they're better suited with other items.
![[Image: Bag_Black_Sludge_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/41/Bag_Black_Sludge_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Black_Sludge_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/41/Bag_Black_Sludge_Sprite.png)
Each turn, if the user is poison type, the holder of this item restores 1/16th of it's max HP. If they are not a poison type, they lose 1/8th.
This item is very similar to leftovers, except it only works for poison types. This is important due to item restrictions in VGC, since you can't have 2 Pokemon holding leftovers; One of them can hold this one! Only if it's Poison type... This one doesn't need much explanation. This item works best on bulky poison types like: Amoongus, Venusaur, Nidoqueen, and Tentacruel. You don't want to use this on a frail poison type: Like Gengar. Oh, and Pokemon who aren't Poison type...
![[Image: TagSitrus.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/50/TagSitrus.png)
![[Image: TagSitrus.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/50/TagSitrus.png)
Restores 1/4 (25%) of the holders max HP when at half health, or lower. Single use.
I decided to put Sitrus Berry in here instead of putting it in the "Berries" section. It's too important to not note here. It's arguably the best recovery item for VGC when it comes to bulky mons. The only down side is that it only works under 50%, meaning some mons can 2HKO you without even procing your berry. But if it doesn't happen like that, it's a great way to make your opponent throw their DS
Notable mentions:
Big Root:
![[Image: Bag_Big_Root_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Big_Root_Sprite.png)
"The HP stolen by HP-draining moves is increased by 30%. It affects the moves Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Leech Life, Dream Eater, Drain Punch, Horn Leech, Draining Kiss, Parabolic Charge, Oblivion Wing—and despite not being HP-stealing moves—Ingrain and Aqua Ring. It does not increase the damage dealt by any of these moves." Basically, don't use this on Pokemon who don't have access to these moves. Not the best item choice, but it can be fun.
Shell Bell:
![[Image: Bag_Shell_Bell_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/97/Bag_Shell_Bell_Sprite.png)
"Whenever the Pokémon holding it deals damage, it restores 1/8 of the damage dealt as HP." Pretty fun item, and has some uses. Use it on heavy hitters, but once again: This isn't the most ideal item for recovery.
-Choice Items-
*IMPORTANT: You can only use the first move selected while using a choiced item. Meaning you literally cannot switch moves unless you switch out.*
![[Image: 20091007074858%21Bag_Choice_Band_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/archive/c/cb/20091007074858%21Bag_Choice_Band_Sprite.png)
![[Image: 20091007074858%21Bag_Choice_Band_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/archive/c/cb/20091007074858%21Bag_Choice_Band_Sprite.png)
Boosts Attack by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected.
Choice items are very rewarding, but can also cost you many games. You can't switch your move, which /really/ hurts you in doubles. You can't protect, you attack again if you get disabled, and you cant switch moves if there's 2 threats on the field. But at the same time, you risk these for the sheer power of having your attack boosted by 50%! It's best to put this on (well, a physical attacker)a heavy hitter who usually only serves one role. For example, Landorus-T. Most Landorus-T's just click earthquake, or rockslide. So it doesn't matter if you're locked in. Or a Pokemon like Talonflame, who literally only clicks brave bird 80% of the time. It's also a good way to focus on bulk instead of attack. If your Landorus-T has so much attack thanks to choice band, you can focus on HP and defenses instead! Don't use this on pokemon with really diverse movepools who constantly switch it up, and don't use this on special attackers. Please.
![[Image: Bag_Choice_Scarf_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7a/Bag_Choice_Scarf_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Choice_Scarf_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7a/Bag_Choice_Scarf_Sprite.png)
Boosts Speed by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected.
Same thing as choice band! Be wary of this item due to it's locking side effect. But choice scarf is one of the best choiced items, because you can outspeed common threats with it and snag a surprising KO. Examples of this are: Landorus-T, Tyranitar, Latios, Hydreigon, Heatran, and more. Latios is one of my favorites, because it can outspeed scarfed landorus-T (who is very common) and OHKO it with an Ice Beam! Don't use this on super fast mons. If I see you using scarf Aerodactyl I'll probably flame choke you.
![[Image: Bag_Choice_Specs_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b1/Bag_Choice_Specs_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Choice_Specs_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b1/Bag_Choice_Specs_Sprite.png)
Boosts Special Attack by 50%, but only allows the use of the first move selected.
Same story, different item. It works just like choice band, but it's for special attack; Not attack. Works best on Pokemon like Sylveon, Hydreigon, Salamence, etc. Don't use choice specs Conkeldurr. Thats my strat. Oh, and don't do something like choice specs Gengar. It may sound like a good idea thanks to Gar's high special attack: But Gar has a great move pool and has access to things like icy wind/will-o which is useless for specs. You feel me?
-Condition Boosters-
IMPORTANT: I wanted to note these, just to say this: These aren't too great for VGC excluding like one. I'll explain why: The weather boosting rocks are usually a waste of an item slot. VGC matches don't last long, so boosting your weather to 8 turns instead of 5 can be a waste. Since most matches are only about 5 turns or less. So instead of that, you're better off with a recovery item, offensive item, berry, etc. Plus your weather can turn on you if your opponents team takes advantage of it. So it's best to have less turns at that point. and FINALLY: weather wars are very common. You bring your damp rock politoed, and your opponent switches into Tyranitar and now the sand it up. Bam, useless item. Get it?
![[Image: Bag_Light_Clay_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/96/Bag_Light_Clay_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Light_Clay_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/96/Bag_Light_Clay_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Light Screen and Reflect from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder.
In my opinion, this is the best condition booster for VGC. Considering you usually burn 1 turn of one screen to put up the other, it's nice to have increased turns. Plus, having light screen/reflect up only really helps you. Unless you run into someone using brick break. Which, wow. They would be pretty next level or stupid. Not much to say here, this is best used on prankster pokemon with reflect/light screen. Or just really bulky pokemon with access to those moves. Prankster is the best IMO, like Meowstic for example. Don't use this on Abra. Don't. You'll catch these hands. You know better than that.
![[Image: Bag_Damp_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Damp_Rock_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Damp_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Damp_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Rain Dance and Drizzle from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Politoed, thanks to it's Drizzle ability.
![[Image: Bag_Heat_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/40/Bag_Heat_Rock_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Heat_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/40/Bag_Heat_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Sunny Day and Drought from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Ninetails, thanks to it's Drought ability.
![[Image: Bag_Icy_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7e/Bag_Icy_Rock_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Icy_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/7e/Bag_Icy_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Hail and Snow Warning from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Obamasnow, and Glaceon. Thanks to their Snow Warning ability.
![[Image: Bag_Smooth_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/39/Bag_Smooth_Rock_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Smooth_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/39/Bag_Smooth_Rock_Sprite.png)
Lengthens duration of Sandstorm and Sand Stream from 5 turns to 8 turns when used by the holder. Usually paired with Tyranitar, thanks to it's Sand Stream ability.
-Power Boosters/Stat Enhancers-
![[Image: Bag_Light_Ball_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/80/Bag_Light_Ball_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Light_Ball_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/80/Bag_Light_Ball_Sprite.png)
Doubles both the Attack and Special Attack of Pikachu!!!! PIKACHU!!! DOUBLED!!!
![[Image: Bag_Eviolite_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5f/Bag_Eviolite_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Eviolite_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/5f/Bag_Eviolite_Sprite.png)
Raises the holder's Defense and Special Defense by 50% if the holder is not fully evolved. This is a really great item. The only flaw it has is that it only really shines on certain pre-evolved pokemon. The other flaw is that it can be knocked off, with, well, Knock Off. Other than that, it's a great item! However, you can't just throw this on any pre-evolved pokemon and call it a day. It has to have use. For example: Dusclops gets incredibly bulky with eviolite since it has 130 defense, and special defense. and that gets raised by HALF with eviolite. Making Dusclops an even greater pokemon due to it's move pool of will-o-wisp, trick room, and more. Other Pokemon it works well on: Golbat, Clefairy, Porygon 2, and more. Don't use this on Cresselia. Or Joltik. You stop that right now.
![[Image: Bag_Assault_Vest_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/53/Bag_Assault_Vest_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Assault_Vest_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/53/Bag_Assault_Vest_Sprite.png)
Raises the holder's Special Defense by 50%, but also prevents the holder from using Status moves. Assault Vest, or AV for short: Is one of my favorite items in Pokemon. However, I love and hate it for VGC. In my opinion, protect is the best move in VGC. VGC has always been similar to a game of chess to me, and protect is literally like saving one of your pieces on the board so another can support/or move forward. But with AV, you can't use protect. However, that doesn't take away how great this item is. It's best used on Pokemon who have really great coverage, or Pokemon who have recovery attacks: Like Conkeldurr! Taking special attacks like a champ, and gaining the HP back with a nice drain punch. Yum. Delicious. Nutritious. Anyways: Other good choices are: Azumarill, Hariyama, Machamp, Landorus-T, and more. (Notice how most don't even have a recovery move, AV is still nice for them to make them live super effective special attacks; and lets you ev more in attack)
![[Image: Bag_Life_Orb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Life_Orb_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Life_Orb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Life_Orb_Sprite.png)
Holder's attacks do 1.3x damage, but it loses 1/10th of it's max HP after the attack. I have a love/hate relationship with Life Orb. It's great, and it's almost like a choice band/specs but with the ability to switch up your moves: However, in the game of VGC you want to keep your pokemon alive as much as you can due to only being able to use 4 out of 6 of them. So as you can see, losing 1/10th of your HP in doubles can be bad. But then again, OHKO'ing everything because of your life orb is also great! Life Orb is best used with pokemon who have sheer force (because it negates the hp loss) or heavy attackers who are frail already. Like Bisharp, Nidoqueen/King, Talonflame, Rampardos, and more. Technically, you can use this however you want. But I just wouldn't recommend it on bulky support types, who you want to stay on the field as long as possible. Then again, switching it up and making a bulky support turn into an offensive mon can be quite the surprise. So it's hard to use life orb wrong. Unless you throw it on a Caterpie.
![[Image: Bag_Expert_Belt_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/48/Bag_Expert_Belt_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Expert_Belt_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/48/Bag_Expert_Belt_Sprite.png)
Boosts power of super effective moves by 20%
"It's not a team made by Rogue unless something has expert belt on it." Which is probably true, I love E-Belt. It's almost like a Life orb for super effective attacks, without the HP Loss. However it shouldn't be used /exactly/ like Life Orb. For example, I wouldn't run E-Belt Bisharp. Because 9/10 if Bisharp hits something super effectively with iron head/knock off, it's probably
![[Image: Bag_Weakness_Policy_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ac/Bag_Weakness_Policy_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Weakness_Policy_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ac/Bag_Weakness_Policy_Sprite.png)
A one-time use item that raises the holder's Attack and Special Attack 2 stages when hit by a super effective move.
I'm honestly surprised I don't see this item on every team. I've always thought this item was broken, and I feel like it's underused. How many times does one of your mons live a super effective move? Quite a lot. You could be having +2 SPA/ATK after living that thanks to this item. Plus, Knock Off doesn't even effect it if your target is weak to dark (which is dumb to me) So even if you hit that weakness policy Aegislash with knock off, the policy is still gonna activate. (seriously, gamefreak. pls.)
Any who, yeah. Weakness Policy. Definitely in my top 5 for best items. It can really be used on anything that's slightly bulky. The best ones in my opinion are: Aegislash (thanks to it's shield form defenses + its common weaknesses) Rhyperior (thanks to its good defenses, common weaknesses, and solid rock ability) Dragonite (common weaknesses, decent bulk, and multiscale) etc etc. You literally punish your opponent for hitting you with the right move. Okay, yeah, I'm a little salty over this items existence. I admit. You can use it on lots of things though. Suicune, Milotic, Sylveon, etc. all of those are pretty bulky and can benefit from this. Don't use this on mons who can't take a super effective hit. Like Bisharp (sorry sharp, i keep using you here) Bisharp isn't taking that drain punch from Conkeldurr.
Notable Mentions:
These are kind of gimicky, but can be used. No need to explain these, they can be fun to toy around with.
Scope Lens:
![[Image: Bag_Scope_Lens_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ab/Bag_Scope_Lens_Sprite.png)
Increases the holder's critical hit ratio by one stage. ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_XnBqPRbWQ works with scope lens or razor claw
Wide Lens:
![[Image: Bag_Wide_Lens_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Wide_Lens_Sprite.png)
Boosts the holder's accuracy by 10% of the original accuracy. Hit all the stone edges!
-Herbs/Focus Sash-
![[Image: Bag_Mental_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/05/Bag_Mental_Herb_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Mental_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/05/Bag_Mental_Herb_Sprite.png)
Removes the effects of infatuation, Taunt, Encore, Torment, Disable, and Cursed Body. Consumed after use.
I'm a HUGEEEE fan of Trick Room. It's probably my favorite way to play VGC.
![[Image: Bag_White_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/85/Bag_White_Herb_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_White_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/8/85/Bag_White_Herb_Sprite.png)
Removes any negative stat changes to holder. Consumed after use.
This is an underused item, and I can see why. It's situational. But it's still very nice. White herb will negate an intimidate, which is really nice for those heavy hitter mons that you want at full power. Better yet: it takes away your debuffs from moves like close combat, and super power. Try it out, I like it. Nothing else to say here, But I still wanted to mention it. It's obvious on what you should/shouldnt use it on.
![[Image: Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/1d/Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/1d/Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png)
If the holder has full HP and is hit by an attack that would otherwise cause fainting, it survives with 1 HP. Can also protect against recoil damage and self-inflicted confusion damage.
This is another REALLY good item in my opinion. It basically gives you a way to ensure damage. (unless you got doubled up on..) It's really simple, but needs to be noted. Only use this on frail pokemon. Especially Bisharp and Terrakion, who are great at giving off big damage and are easily KO'd. Don't run focus sash cresselia. Pls.
Er... Notable mention?
Power Herb:
![[Image: Bag_Power_Herb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f3/Bag_Power_Herb_Sprite.png)
Allows user to omit first turn of charge-up required moves. Consumed after use. It affects Solar Beam, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, Razor Wind, Fly, Dig, Dive, Bounce, Shadow Force, Freeze Shock, Ice Burn, Phantom Force and Geomancy.
-Negative Effect On Holder-
![[Image: Bag_Flame_Orb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/2b/Bag_Flame_Orb_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Toxic_Orb_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/38/Bag_Toxic_Orb_Sprite.png)
Inflicts the holder with a burn after one turn of battle/Inflicts the holder with bad poison after one turn of battle.
Throwing these together because they basically serve the same purpose: Fling, or Guts pokemon are the main reason. Fling will throw your orb at your target. Fling with flame orb will burn the target, Fling with toxic orb will poison the target. In VGC it's 9/10 Burn > Poison. For guts, holding this will burn or poison the holder. Guts raises your attack when statused. Same here, use flame orb. Less damage over time and you get the nice damage boost. Use this on Conkeldurr, Hariyama, Weavile (fling gawd) and Heracross. Don't put a toxic orb on your steelix. what are you doing?
![[Image: Bag_Iron_Ball_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b5/Bag_Iron_Ball_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Iron_Ball_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b5/Bag_Iron_Ball_Sprite.png)
Cuts the holder's Speed by 50%; negates the Levitate Ability, and effects of Telekinesis and Magnet Rise from the holder and makes Flying-type holders susceptible to Ground-type moves. This basically has 3 uses. 1. Lowers a fast pokemons speed so you can use it in Trick Room effectively. 2. Use Trick on your opponent to make THEIR pokemon really slow/negate their flying type. and 3. The strongest item for fling. When using fling with this item, it raises it's power to 130. Lots of fun ways to use this, and it's self explanatory. Try it out!
![[Image: Bag_Air_Balloon_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d0/Bag_Air_Balloon_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Air_Balloon_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/d0/Bag_Air_Balloon_Sprite.png)
Gives the holder immunity to Ground-type moves, but pops when the holder is attacked. Indirect damage will not pop the balloon, and neither will Ground-type moves used against the holder. Breaking a holder's Substitute will also pop the balloon.
This can be a really annoying item to deal with, surprisingly. It especially annoys choice scarf Landorus-T. Since it usually locks itself into Earthquake. It can also annoy them even if they aren't locked because it forces them to choose a move. EQ to hit your other mon, or use a different move that may be resisted. Anywho, it's obvious what this is best for. Heatran, Excadrill, Arcanine, etc. Bulky/Offensive mons who don't want to get hit by EQ: the move that basically everyone learns. Don't use Air Ballon Rotom Fan.
![[Image: Bag_Bright_Powder_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/3e/Bag_Bright_Powder_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Bright_Powder_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/3/3e/Bag_Bright_Powder_Sprite.png)
Raises the holder's evasion by 10%
If you're literally Satan and like to kick small puppies, run Bright powder. Also use double team, or minimize. Only everyone will hate you.
![[Image: Bag_King%27s_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/ba/Bag_King%27s_Rock_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_King%27s_Rock_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/ba/Bag_King%27s_Rock_Sprite.png)
Has a 10% chance of causing the target Pokémon to flinch when using a move that deals damage and does not already have a chance to flinch.
Contrary to popular belief, this doesn't stack with things like rock slide/airslash. However, here's a strat! Cloyster gets skill link. Which makes multi hits hit max times. It also gets icicle spear. Skill link guarantees 5 hits. Put on kings rock, each 5 hits has a 10% chance to flinch your opponent. sorry.
![[Image: Bag_Red_Card_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9b/Bag_Red_Card_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Red_Card_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/9b/Bag_Red_Card_Sprite.png)
A one-time use item that forces the opponent to switch to a random Pokémon when the holder is attacked by a move.
This is a great item and can really shift the tone of the battle. you opponent can have a great lead match up against you, and get red card'd out into something really weak to your leads. Plus its just annoying. Now your opponent has to switch back out or try to think of a new tactic. Best used on really bulky mons like Amoongus. No red card pidgey.
![[Image: Bag_Rocky_Helmet_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4b/Bag_Rocky_Helmet_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Rocky_Helmet_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4b/Bag_Rocky_Helmet_Sprite.png)
Contact moves used against the holder will damage the attacker with 1/6 of their maximum HP.
A very common item within good reason. It's honestly mostly here for one reason: Mega Kangaskhan. If M-Kang hits the rocky helmet holder 4 times, M-Kang will lose 4/6th's of it's health. Woooo! It's best on bulky/redirect mons like Amoongus, Suicune, Arcanine, and Togekiss.
![[Image: Bag_Safety_Goggles_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/20/Bag_Safety_Goggles_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Safety_Goggles_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/20/Bag_Safety_Goggles_Sprite.png)
Grants the holder immunity to weather-related damage and powder moves.
This is also one of my favorite items in the meta game. Amoongus is just so common, as is spore spam in general from venusaur/breloom. Safety goggles lets you bypass rage powder, and bypass spore/powder moves in general. Which is really nice. It works best on pokemon who can straight up check amoongus/a strong mon who can't really touch amoongus, but can touch everything else. Random scenario: Say you're using safety goggles zapdos for whatever reason. Your opponent has a suicune, and an amoongus on the field. Your opponent rage powders with amoongus, so your zapdos has to target it, while the suicune calm minds. Safety goggles ignores rage powder, lets you target suicune, and hit it with a thunderbolt. making amoongus basically useless that turn. Also, safety goggles is nice to have for trick room teams, since amoongus is so slow and can just spore everyone. Best users in my opinion are: Heatran, Rotom-h/w, and more. Don't use safety goggles amoongus.
All of these are pretty self explanatory, I'll only explain a few. Berries are very important though!
![[Image: Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a6/Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a6/Bag_Lum_Berry_Sprite.png)
Cures any status condition.
Lum Berry is one of the best items in the game, and should be used. It gets rid of ANY status condition. With so much will-o-wisp users, so many spore spammers, and so many thundurus users going around tossing out T-Waves: This item is perfect. Nothing else to really say. It works best on fast and strong pokemon, usually physical attackers to bait a will-o-wisp. My personal favorites are Scizor (you can swords dance on a predicted will-o) Terrakion (targeted by thunderwave/will-o often) Landorus, and more. I really think physical attackers work best, because they really bait that burn.
*These are berries that halve the damage taken from a super effective move. Best paired with pokemon with a x4 weakness, but still only helps you even if its x2 weakness.
Occa Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Occa_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/ab/Bag_Occa_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Fire-type move
Passho Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Passho_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/6a/Bag_Passho_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Water-type move
Wacan Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Wacan_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/25/Bag_Wacan_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Electric-type move
Rindo Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Rindo_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Rindo_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Grass-type move
Yache Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Yache_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4e/Bag_Yache_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Ice-type move
Chople Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Chople_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/56/Bag_Chople_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Fighting-type move
Kebia Berry
![[Image: Bag_Kebia_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/4/4e/Bag_Kebia_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Poison-type move
Shuca Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Shuca_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Bag_Shuca_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Ground-type move
Coba Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Coba_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f6/Bag_Coba_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Flying-type move
Payapa Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Payapa_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/be/Bag_Payapa_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Psychic-type move
Tanga Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Tanga_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/ca/Bag_Tanga_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Bug-type move
Charti Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Charti_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/53/Bag_Charti_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Rock-type move
Kasib Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Kasib_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/c5/Bag_Kasib_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Ghost-type move
Haban Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Haban_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/d/dd/Bag_Haban_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Dragon-type move
Colbur Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Colbur_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f1/Bag_Colbur_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Dark-type move
Babiri Berry:
![[Image: Bag_Babiri_Berry_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/cb/Bag_Babiri_Berry_Sprite.png)
Decreases damage taken by the holder from a super effective Steel-type move
-The Plates-
![[Image: Bag_Draco_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b6/Bag_Draco_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Dread_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/01/Bag_Dread_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Earth_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0c/Bag_Earth_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Fist_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/7/76/Bag_Fist_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Flame_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/60/Bag_Flame_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Icicle_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/5/58/Bag_Icicle_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Insect_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/e/e5/Bag_Insect_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Iron_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/95/Bag_Iron_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Meadow_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/bf/Bag_Meadow_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Mind_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/0f/Bag_Mind_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Pixie_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/9/92/Bag_Pixie_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Sky_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/1/18/Bag_Sky_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Splash_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/af/Bag_Splash_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Spooky_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f5/Bag_Spooky_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Stone_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f4/Bag_Stone_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Toxic_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b4/Bag_Toxic_Plate_Sprite.png)
![[Image: Bag_Zap_Plate_Sprite.png]](http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a6/Bag_Zap_Plate_Sprite.png)
The Arceus plates can be used by every pokemon. Except it has a different effect. For example, If Arceus holds the Draco plate: It turns into a dragon type and makes it's signature move Judgement turn into a dragon typed attack. If someone like Hydreigon holds onto Draco plate: All dragon type moves are boosted by 20% power. It's basically the poor mans dragon gem, since those aren't obtainable in VGC15. You can find all the plates in this link: http://www.ign.com/wikis/pokemon-omega-r...eus_Plates
There's a plate for every type, and each one does the same thing: Buffing the attacks of a certain type by 20%.
Finally: Check out my team building guide! http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-ORAS-VG...ffectively
Check out my sisters EV'ing guide! http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-A-Guide...-Potential
and check out my sisters guide to speed control! http://pokemonforever.com/Thread-ORAS-VG...ol-and-You
Phew. There. I'm done. Hope you enjoy. I'm gonna go play smash 4 now.
50 thousand people used to live here...Now it's a ghost town.