Mar 12, 2015, 10:11 AM
Trust me, if you are looking for someone to help make a cool hack on your game... Don't ask me. I completely messed up the Characters turning my into a team aqua grunt in Omega Ruby. The only pokemon in the wild were lvl 178 Serperiors. I used several hacking machines to do this. It took days but it's worth it. Except one thing.... Whenever I attempt to go in an area where double battles are supposed to happen, I eneter battle as me and I see may on my side? Not only this but theres 1 level 178 Serperior and a bulbasaur. I can't catch it because it's apparently a trainer battle even though I'm in the wild. Wierd Stuff, huh.
Thanks for reading! (Don't
your game!)
Thanks for reading! (Don't