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[RATE MY TEAM] Support and Conquer
Haven't posted on this site in a while! But I figure what better way to come back than to get opinions on my team, am I right? So let's cut to the chase and begin.

The Team Building Process:
Whilst browsing this site after a good long while, I stumbled upon Naitre's set-ups for a cute little pokemon called Whimsicott. A pokemon I hardly used, but always knew had tons of use and potential in the meta game. So I started off with wanting to make a team around Whimsicott, but it slowly crept in that Whimsicott was only one tower amongst the six that I chosen, consisting on a couple extra support pokemon, some beefy damage dealers, and crushing all-out attackers.

The Team:

Whimsicott @ Focus Sash
Ability: Prankster
Level: 50
EVs: 208 HP, 76 SpD, 224 Spe
IV: 0 Atk
Timid Nature
-Beat Up

Credit to this build has to go to Naitre. Whimsicott here has proven himself on Showdown. Taunting Cresselias, Encoring Fake Out users, Tailwinding for an extra boost of speed for the others to benefit from, and utilizing the Focus Sash well to throw out an extra move when the opponent thinks he's not the threat once Beat Up is used on Justified Arcanine. AND It outspeeds Prankster Thundurus! So even he can't dent Whimsicott~

Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Justified
Level: 50
EVs: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Extreme Speed
-Flare Blitz
-Wild Charge
-Close Combat

Ready to get punched by a Justified Tiger dog? Together with Whimsicott, Beat Up gives it an automatic 3x attack buff, which means he'll eat you. There's almost no way of not being eaten. Arcanine used to have a Choice Band on, but I found I couldn't switch him out often and losing that attack buff really bites. He's in the stay, and he will wreck house. Extreme Speed is used for pokemon that might cause trouble if they can get an extra turn out, so all that extra priority will wipe em out before they even get the chance. Flare Blitz, Wild Charge, and Close Combat are all incredible attacking moves that provide an amazing range of coverage.

Gastrodon @ Expert Belt
Ability: Storm Drain
Level: 50
EVs: 180 HP, 108 Def, 212 SpA, 4 SpD, 4 Spe
Modest Nature
-Earth Power
-Ice Beam

Credit to Animekid7 for this build. Gastrodon is the first beefy pokemon on my team. Used alongside Arcanine, he can Storm Drain water attacks directed towards his Legendary partner and save his skin while Arcanine saves Gastrodon's skin by wiping away grass types from the field. He also very much benefits from Whimsicott's Tailwind to getting a bit faster out there. Earth Power is always a great STAB move for Gastrodon being so powerful. Scald has been very crucial for some wins over on Showdown as it can burn physical attackers and chip away at walls. Not only that, but it's a strong attack since Gastrodon gets STAB from it. Water/Ground types are always a pleasure to work with. Ice Beam is good for birds in the air and Thundurus that can't T-Wave him. Protect of course is to save it when there's something out there that can eat him up.

Clefairy @ Eviolite
Ability: Friend Guard
EV: 248 HP, 216 Def, 44 SpD
Bold Nature
-Follow Me
-Helping Hand

Credit to Naitre again for this Clefairy build. It's almost as if he's great at crafting support  kappa . Clefairy appeared all over during the nationals and rightuflly so! It's ability Friend Guard is quite helpful to Gastrodon and Venusaur tanking hits and could potentially let Arcanine and Salamence live another day. Follow Me is used to direct obvious attacks away from your partner away and Helping Hand gives anyone besides Whimsicott help making sure their attack do immense damage. Moonblast is here because it'd suck to struggle to death when you're obviously taunted, but then again you don't want to send Clefairy out first when the opponent has a Thundurus on their team.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EV: 252 Atk, 4 Def, 252 Spe
Naive Nature
-Double Edge
-Dragon Dance

Salamence is my second heavy hitter alongside Arcanine. Double Edge to deal serious damage to one target and Earthquake to hit both targets. Dragon Dance to boost up its stats. Paired up with Follow Me Clefairy that can tank hits like a champ, Salamence has some time to set up properly and prepare to be the giant Dragon Kite that he was destined to be!

Venusaur @ Venusaurite
Ability: Overgrow/Chlorophyll (doesn't matter much)
EV: 220 HP, 76 Def, 60 SpA, 140 SpD, 12 Spe
IV: 0 Atk
Bold Nature
-Leech Seed
-Giga Drain
-Sludge Bomb

Credit to Marcusube for this build. This Venusaur is one heck of a tank and Marcusube puts it the best, so if you don't mind, I'll just quote him.  kappa  
"The purpose of this build is to survive super effective hits from Pokemon such as Talonflame and Mega Gardevoir while at the same time picking up one hit kills or two hit kills on some of the most annoying tanks such as Suicune, Gastrodon and Rotom-W. The 12 EVs in speed is just for speed creeping around other Venusaur. Leech Seed gives you extra chip damage on your opponent and has the potential of forcing a switch which in turn gives you momentum. ... Protect is a staple on Venusaur since you want it to stay around. Giga Drain for sustain and Sludge Bomb for a means of better offensive power and the possible chance to poison the opponent."

And that's the team! Hope I explained that well. Haven't done one of these in a long while. But leave your feedback below! Any help to strengthen this build is always considered.

(Also could someone tell me how to add those fancy gifs of the pokemon into here, that'd be nice to know.)
I feel like having Venusaur on this particular team kind of hurts you. It gives you another psychic(this is your only psychic weakness, but you don't have a reliable way to hit them super effectively outside of whimsi) and flying weakness, and doesn't really help you with the weaknesses you already have . (Like 2 ice weaknesses for example, venusaur doesnt really touch ice types)

I really recommend swapping venu out for a Heatran, who'd solidate your weaknesses and give you more resistances to flying, and ice. Just my opinion. Otherwise, the team looks nice. You could change mences EV's, but it's not really needed. A lot of top cut teams run standard 252/252 mence. I'm also glad to see you using my sisters builds, it'll make her happy im sure. [:

I use this site for the sprites:
Just search a pokemon, click on "sprites" and copy the link. Then insert it as an image.

Search Heatran > At the very top of "Skip to:" click on sprites > scroll near the bottom, click on animated > copy plain text ( ) > Insert an image (on the forum) > paste link >

[Image: 485.gif]
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