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[TUTORIAL] Quick and Effective Way to breed a Team
For people who are trying to breed teams they have made i wanted to make this guide so you can quickly, effectively, and most importantly make it an organized process, just follow these steps and you'll have a team to defeat your opponents Wink
Step 1: Build a Team
Before you can even start to breed a team you must first create one, there are may threads on the forum that can assist you in the making of your team and also a bunch of awesome people that can give you advice on how to maximize and bring the most out of your team.
Here are the links so you can start making your team:

Team Building Guide
VGC for Beginners

Step 2: Write down your teams information
In this step take all the information you've writen down and paste it in a document suchs as Word Excel, Google Spreadsheet, or you could use a good old fashion *gasp* PAPER. I would recommend the information of the pokemon from the team be in the Pokemon Showdown format like this:

Sylveon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Moonblast
- Shadow Ball
- Psyshock

Step 3: List the specifics of the pokemon
In this step what you will do if specifiy things about your pokemon such as is their Ability Normal or Hidden, by writing down all this information ahead of time it can save your from forgetting and having to start all over. Here is everything you must specifiy:

Sylveon @ Choice Specs, Can be bought in the Battle Resort 1
Ability: Pixilate, Hidden Ability 2
EVs: 56 HP / 200 Def / 252 SpA, 6 SpA Horde Battles, 4 Def Horde Battles, 1 Hp Horde battles+1 Lv.1 Hp Super Training 3
Modest Nature
-Hyper Voice, Tutor Move 4
-Moonblast, Lv.37
-Shadow Ball, TM30
-Psyshock, TM03

  1. Items: This one isnt as nessesary because getting it after you've breed the pokemon is alright but it is still important to specify (if you dont already have it), the location of obtaining it, it can save you in the long run
  2. Ability: Here you will specifiy if the Ability is Normal or Hidden
  3. Evs: This will show how many Horde Training or Super Training you need to do to get the nessesary evs you want, i will talk more about this in the section below
  4. Moves: Here you will specifiy if the move is learned by level up and what level (dont forget about moves only preevolutions can learn), if its a TM or HM and which one, if its a Tutor Move, and finally if its an egg move and what pokemon you need to have to get that egg move

Step 3.5: Find the nessesary amount of Ev training
Evs bring of the potential of your pokemon so getting them exact is very important, thats why the newly added Horde Battles and Super Training speed up and process by alot and help you get them exact.
Before i start talking about Horde Battling and Super Training i want to talk about two other things that speed up the process and they are the power items and pokerus, the power item are thing that you give to your pokemon and when a pokemon is defeated they will get +4 evs on a stat depending on which one they have, here is a list of all the power items, they can be found at the battle resort:
  • Power Weight: +4 HP EVs after each battle.
  • Power Bracer: +4 Attack EVs after each battle.
  • Power Belt: +4 Defence EVs after each battle.
  • Power Lens: +4 Special Attack EVs after each battle.
  • Power Band: +4 Special Defence EVs after each battle..
  • Power Anklet: +4 Speed EVs after each battle.
Pokerus is an effect that you can sometimes find on your pokemon (it can also spread to your other pokemon), when they have this effect it doubles the amount of evs they get from the battle.
Horde Battles:
Now they your know about those let me talk about Horde Battles, in a Horde battle your battle 5 pokemon at once and there are 6 different locations that correspond to each stat. So if your pokemon has the power item, pokerus, and the Horde that gives them the certain stat they will get a whooping 50 evs from one horde battle.
Here are the location of the specific hordes and which stat they give:
  • HP: Whismur - Rusturf Tunnel
  • Attack: Shuppet - Mt. Pyre (Inside)
  • Defense: Sandshrew - Route 111 (Desert)
  • Special Attack: Oddish - Route 119
  • Special Defense: Swablu - Route 115
  • Speed: Zigzagoon - Route 104
Super Training:
Super Training is like a mini game that once you complete it your get a certain amount of evs to a stat based on which one you go against, and after you defeated it you also have a chance of getting a punching bag for some free evs. Here is a list of the amount of Evs you can get from each Super Training activity:
  • Level 1: 4 evs
  • Level 2: 8 evs
  • Level 3: 12 evs
  • Small Bag: 1 ev
  • Medium Bag: 4 evs
  • Large Bag: 12 evs
If you combine all that your learned you can now know how many of what you need to do to get your amount of evs.
Ex: EVs: 252 HP / 136 Atk / 60 Def / 60 SpD 6 HP Horde Battles, 2 Atk Horde Battles+3 Lv.3 Atk Super Training, 5 Lv.3 Def Super Training, 5 Lv.3 Spd Super Training
For more on Evs go here:
Step 4: Breeding your team
If you have all you need for breeding your team then its time to get down to buisness. When breeding this order is very helpful for breeding your pokemon, remeber to check to see if the offspring has all the previous things before going on the next:
  • Ability
  • Nature (might need a ditto with that nature, put an everstone on ditto to tranfer nature to offspring)
  • Egg Moves (if needed)
  • Ivs (need a 6iv ditto)
Step 5: Ev Train your Team
Now that you've breed all your pokemon its time to ev train them, i recommend doing this one at a time, give them pokerus and the power item (if needed) and go to the right horde to get the evs, for the more specific evs use Super Training.
Step 6: Level them up, aquire moves and items
Once you've fully ev trained your pokemon its time to level them up the easiest way to level up pokemon in ORAS i something called Blissey Farms, what it is, is Blissey's holding toxic orbs, and only know the move healing wish, apon death they give you a massive amount of Exp, for more information look here:
now all you have to do is make sure your pokemon has all the nessesary move and get them to Lv.50 and your should be ready to kick some butt Smile

Hope this helps you in the process of creating a team
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
(Feb 22, 2015, 01:19 PM)naitre Wrote: Great guide, AnimeKid! I know it sounds like it's common sense, but there's nothing more infuriating than breeding your perfect IV Pokemon, only to realize that one of the staple moves in your build was an egg move that you forgot to breed down. Dodgy I'll tell Rogue to link this to his teambuilding guide so we can achieve some cohesion between all of our tutorials.

Thanks Naitre, i hope these guides can help a bunch of new people learning how to get into the competitive :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Awesome guide Anime! It will definitely help a lot of people!

I've put some Horde pokemon in a spoiler tag which you can add (Or not, it's up to you Kappa). These locations are guaranteed to give these pokemon in a horde. They're also the ones I use to train

HP - Whismur - Rusturf Tunnel
Shuppet - Attack - Mt. Pyre (Inside)
Sandshrew - Defense - Route 111 (Desert)
Oddish - Special Attack - Route 119
Swablu - Special Defense - Route 115
Zigzagoon  - Speed - Route 104
(Feb 22, 2015, 01:28 PM)Eckley Wrote: Awesome guide Anime! It will definitely help a lot of people!

I've put some Horde pokemon in a spoiler tag which you can add (Or not, it's up to you Kappa). These locations are guaranteed to give these pokemon in a horde. They're also the ones I use to train

HP - Whismur - Rusturf Tunnel
Shuppet - Attack - Mt. Pyre (Inside)
Sandshrew - Defense - Route 111 (Desert)
Oddish - Special Attack - Route 119
Swablu - Special Defense - Route 115
Zigzagoon  - Speed - Route 104
thanks eckley ill for sure put it in the post :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
What is a good way to get a 6IV Ditto? I've been looking around, searching, but I mostly see people just trying to get one.
Is trading the only way?

I feel very unfortunate, because I've worked on an Aegislash I thought was decent, but I don't think it had perfect IVs.
I don't think I should make any new Pokemon until I get a 6IV Ditto, now.
Step 4: Breeding your team
If you have all you need for breeding your team then its time to get down to buisness. When breeding this order is very helpful for breeding your pokemon, remeber to check to see if the offspring has all the previous things before going on the next:
Nature (might need a ditto with that nature, put an everstone on ditto to tranfer nature to offspring)
Egg Moves (if needed)
Ivs (need a 6iv ditto)

That was the best part ^^ (and most useful for me as I always do this in a random order) Great guide!
(Jun 25, 2015, 01:55 AM)kuun_kun Wrote: Step 4: Breeding your team
If you have all you need for breeding your team then its time to get down to buisness. When breeding this order is very helpful for breeding your pokemon, remeber to check to see if the offspring has all the previous things before going on the next:
Nature (might need a ditto with that nature, put an everstone on ditto to tranfer nature to offspring)
Egg Moves (if needed)
Ivs (need a 6iv ditto)

That was the best part ^^ (and most useful for me as I always do this in a random order) Great guide!
Thanks Kunn, glad this thread was of use Smile
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Thanks for the guide @ChaseInfinity 

I now know the mechanics of building a competitive team and I've built my own team!

Once again, Thanks  :D !

(Mar 26, 2016, 08:01 AM)55jojo5 Wrote: Thanks for the guide @ChaseInfinity 

I now know the mechanics of building a competitive team and I've built my own team!

Once again, Thanks  :D !

Glad I could help :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~

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