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[ORAS TUTORIAL] How to make a good secret base
 How To Make A Good Secret Base
 So do you want to make a good secret base? Well lets start!
But where do I get stuff for my base? There are many places:
The Secret Base Guild:

[Image: secretbase10.jpg]

Here you can buy more stuff when you are a higher rank so you should wait on this one if you dont have any flags.

The Department Store:
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

On the last floor of this place you can find things for your secret base and at saturdays you can buy cool things on the                                                                                                                             You can also get the Level Realese from one of the houses in the battle resort!

Now you need to think about a theme. It can be a gym or just a fun place to hang out.
But where will the base be? There is the secret meadow and shore which are very good or maybe another place? Big places are usaully harder to get to and require HMs so it can turn visitors away.

Now that you have a place and a theme you can start building. If you have a gym you might want to have secret pals as trainers or maybe your base is a big party and what is a party without friends?
There are many kinds of trainers so make sure you pick the right ones as your pals.

Here is a list of items that I like:
Music Box
Level Realese
Gym statue
Poke Flute
Mini Lumiose

All of the scrolls
Note Mats
Warp Panels
National Award

So now you can build a good base that people will want to visit!Tell me if you want to see a guide where I explain how to accomplish different moods with the music box the Worn Out Light and more 
:D :D :D
Lol I honestly don't care about how other peoples bases look..

I just come for the flag  :D Cool

But thanks for the tips
@MagicalMops I feel the same way, but I appreciate a good-looking base 
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
I like nice looking bases. They make me feel happy that people take time in their bases. Anyway. My looks OK I guess. Not the best by any means. Smile
My base... idk how to describe my base... i tried to fill it with everyything but unfortunately theres a limit...
so i just blocked the flag so no one can get a flag lol

im nice i know thanks
Love when I see that someone has clearly put a lot of time and effort into making an awesome secret base

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