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[BUILD SUBMISSION] (VGC/Smogon) Alakazam - Attack (Special)
New user, my first post and I'm delving into VGC rules as an opposed to Smogons OU metagame.  Believe I've found a viable counter to the threat that is Mega Mence. Bear with me if I bugger things up.

[img]If a mod or Justin or somebody could put Alakazam here as I seemingly am incompetent, you would have my thanks[/img]

Abilities: Synchronize, Inner Focus, Magic Guard (HA)

Base Stats:


Alakazam @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 SpAtt/252 Spe/4 HP
IVs: 31/x/30/31/31/31 (x is an equal number)
Hidden Power (Ice)
Dazzling Gleam

While yes the main focus is Mega Salamence, it actually counters a few other things like Garchomp. Magic Guard means no status, Stealthies, or more importantly; Life Orb damage. This means our moustached pal hits like a train. I ran a calc against Mega Salamence (yes it says Garchomp but they didn't haveega Salamence on the calc) and HP Ice is a guaranteed OHKO and Alakazam outspeeds it. Dazzling Gleam (I don't have the data) is guaranteed 2HKO against Mega Salamence, OHKO against Garchomp while getting spread damage off.

252+ SpA Life Orb Alakazam Hidden Power Ice vs. 248 HP / 56 SpD Garchomp: 218-260 (108.4 - 129.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

The Salamence build is a bulky Salamence build I found in the competitive discussion thread. I can use this fairly well and you more skilled players (I'm not bad but not excellent) can use this exceptionally well I'd imagine. Psychic is a STAB move, Protect is the VGC standard, Dazzling Gleam is a coverage/spread, HP Ice is dragon repellent. I think this would pair well with a Follow Me/Rage Powder user to take the aggro as Alakazam is a glass cannon.

Thanks for reading and if you find any useful calcs and applications for this build, let me know and I'll add them!
cool @freezing dart. Thanks for the build. I'll see if I have time to help with the picture.

To make this submission even better try adding calcs for a few other pokemon that may be threats in the VGC meta game. and maybe a little more info on who it can and can not outspeed. also, i think you might need to change a few things in the build to make it import into showdown correctly.

this also miiiight work better with energy ball instead of protect (can alakazam learn that? i forget), since it's a glass cannon and you intend to outspeed.
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(Jan 3, 2015, 02:02 AM)Justin Wrote: cool @freezing dart. Thanks for the build. I'll see if I have time to help with the picture.

To make this submission even better try adding calcs for a few other pokemon that may be threats in the VGC meta game. and maybe a little more info on who it can and can not outspeed. also, i think you might need to change a few things in the build to make it import into showdown correctly.

this also miiiight work better with energy ball instead of protect (can alakazam learn that? i forget), since it's a glass cannon and you intend to outspeed.

If memory serves me right, the psychic member of the Sinnoh League had an Alakazam with Energy Ball. I'll do some work on it, I've bred this thing with HP Steel and it's done solid work, so testing will be done with HP Ice.

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