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[POWERSAVES] Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread!
Eevee (Alice) | female
Anticipation | Modest | 31\31\31\31\31\31\ | Charm, Covet, Trump card, Wish
OT: Young Jacob | ID: 59285 | Love ball
Yes, shiny | 1 | pentagon | US
Ign Young Jacob fc 0447-8044-8803
hey I actually had a question. Feel free to just PM the answer if you dont want. i recently got a action replay and everything is going great, but why cant i wondertrade pokemon i pokegen'd using the powerball method?
I haven't how to get it with the Hyper Voice, so I would really apreciate someone could get me one.

Sylveon (No Nickname) | Female
Pixelate | Modest | 31/30/31/30/31/30 | Hyper Voice, Psychock, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power Fire (I think the iv spread is right for it, I hope so.)
OT: Sevothart | Any | Any
Yes, shiny | 50 | Pentagon | US

IGN: Sevothart FC: 1220-8039-7042
Mega Mewtwo  X(R2-Mew2) | Genderless
Steadfast | Adamant | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Drain Punch Ice Punch Earthquake Bulk Up
|Nick | Nicko2014 | Masterball
Shiny Yes| 100 | Pentagon | Jpn
Typhlosion (Amaterasu) |Male
Blaze | Timid | 31/30/31/30/31/31 | Hidden Power Grass, Fire Blast, Eruption, Extrasensory
Heri | 13646 | Pokeball
Shiny Yes| lvl 50 | Pentagon | US

please Smile
Sylveon (Niko) | Female
Pixelate | Modest | 31/30/31/30/30/31(HP Ground right?)| Hyper Voice Shadow Ball HP Ground
Hyper Beam
OT:Max | ID:45859 | Premier Ball
No Shiny | 50 | Pentagon| US

IGN: Max FC: 0173-1655-7492
Lucario (carnage)|male| brave| 31/31/31/31/31/31| close combat aura sphere swords dance protect|ot jordan| ID 32587| Pokeball|yes shiny| 100| pentgon|us|ing Jordan|fc 4141-4792-6095
Togekiss (No Nickname)
Ability:Serene Grace
IV: 31 IVs in HP,Defense,Special Attack,Special Defense, and Speed
EV:252 HP, 100 Defense, and 156 Special Defense
Item:Razor Fang
Moves:Air Slash,Water Pulse,Roost, and Nasty Plot
Pokeball: Pokeball
Meowstic | Male
prankster | Bold | 30/31/31/31/31 | Safeguard , Psychic, Thunder Wave, Swagger
mikky | ID: 23784 | master ball
Yes, Shiny | 100 | Pentagon | UK
I need to clone like 30 Lando-T's for a Giveaway and trading
IGN: z2porygon Fc:3153-6020-2737
I will be online on here or on the replay. If you cannot get to me just pm me on the website.

Never mind unless 30 is possible for you.

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