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Ask with some specifics and I will try and do as many as possible
can I have a shiny ditto lvl 100 with docile nature and 31 ivs in all stats. (i just want it for breding)
you know he cant gen with powersave you have to catch them

"They call me damage"  


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do you clone pokemon?
IF possible:

Shiny charmander, timid nature, 6IV, premier ball :D
can you get me a shiny ditto lv 100 6 iv
i dont really understand or know if what i am asking for is possible, but can you make me a
Gallade LVL 100
Perfect Iv: 6
Nature: Jolly
Move set: mean look
            Thunder wave
            False Swipe

Gengar Lvl 100
Nature: Modest
Moveset: Clear smog

Thanks in advance , if you cant do it that's cool Smile
Blaziken @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 4 HP / 64 Atk / 196 SpA / 244 Spe
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Naive Nature
Hidden Power [Ice]
Low Kick

If you can't gen I have a shiny 6IV torchic with bold nature and the wrong ivs for hp ice that you can modify.
Thx a lot Smile
Hi If I can have just a shiny froakie, that'd be great.
hi if it`s possible could i "just" get a shiny Ralts or smeargle.
thx a lot

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