(Dec 30, 2014, 07:54 PM)Yoshi625 Wrote: I'm looking for someone with powersaves to modify 3 of my pokemons. Can you put the pentagon on a pokemon? If yes, one of my pokemon needs it.
I'd need someone to modify those pokemons:
Terrakion @ Choice Band
Ability: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
(Dec 30, 2014, 08:04 PM)Eqho Wrote: I don't know of a way to add a pentagon. Everything else is possible.
Does "@ Choice Band" mean it needs a choice band?
Yes, if you can't add one, i can provide my own.
My FC is under my name and my IGN is Yoshi
I'll have to get to this tomorrow
I'll have your FC added so we can trade when you're ready.
Ok I'll add you and grab them quick. I'll do yours today because I said I would.
Perfect, just hit me up when you're done with them
(Dec 31, 2014, 12:10 PM)Yoshi625 Wrote: Thanks a lot!
Hello again, i think you forgot to change the IVs to be 31 in everything. I might've been my fault for not mentionning it.
Its not "forgetting" if you never mentioned it ~ Either way, Im sure he'll be happy to adjust the IV's for you. Hes been busy today though, so just be patient for him to return, if not today, then tomorrow.
Can someone please pokegen me a Skarm with defog, I usally breed all my pokemon but since there is no way to get defog on a skarmory legit I am asking somenoe to help me.
Nature - Impish
EV - 252 def
252 hp
4 spdef
IV - HP - 31
ATK - 31
DEF - 31
SPDEF - 31
SPD - 31
Moves - Brave Bird
(Dec 31, 2014, 09:40 PM)nhass12 Wrote: Can someone please pokegen me a Skarm with defog, I usally breed all my pokemon but since there is no way to get defog on a skarmory legit I am asking somenoe to help me.
Nature - Impish
EV - 252 def
252 hp
4 spdef
IV - HP - 31
ATK - 31
DEF - 31
SPDEF - 31
SPD - 31
Moves - Brave Bird
This is a pokesave thread, not a Pokegen thread. If you want someone to create you a pokemon, you'd have better luck making a separate thread about it to request assistance. (Even so, keep in mind that Pokegen isnt really something seen often on this section of the forums, but good luck nonetheless!)