Mar 12, 2016, 07:25 PM
Thx so much!
This may sound ridiculous, but whenever you have time in the next week or so (not tonight), is there any way you could take Buniary so you can change it's name from "4" to just regular "Buniary"?
I am not super excited about the name "4" lol.
Hope it's not too much trouble to ask
Thx for the giveaway! Leaving rep now...
This may sound ridiculous, but whenever you have time in the next week or so (not tonight), is there any way you could take Buniary so you can change it's name from "4" to just regular "Buniary"?
I am not super excited about the name "4" lol.
Hope it's not too much trouble to ask
Thx for the giveaway! Leaving rep now...