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Poke'Strange ~
(May 28, 2015, 12:11 PM)Apo Wrote: in XY, there is a NPC saying: "Wow amazing! Onix is soooo big! Riding on Onix would be so much fun"

+ that couple in a HeartGold SoulSilver using Onix + Cloyster in a double battle

if you know what i mean  KappaHD
You have such a dirty mind!!
Upvote for that.
(May 28, 2015, 01:25 PM)Asyla Wrote:
(May 28, 2015, 12:11 PM)Apo Wrote: in XY, there is a NPC saying: "Wow amazing! Onix is soooo big! Riding on Onix would be so much fun"

+ that couple in a HeartGold SoulSilver using Onix + Cloyster in a double battle

if you know what i mean  KappaHD
You have such a dirty mind!!
Upvote for that.

well that was not from me, i think some dev said it was a wink for older players :P
Poke'Strange= Poke'Dirtay~ oh you guys nasty lmao
ok more reasonable facts :P

- in ORAS, when its time to catch Kyogre/Groudon. Why every adults stay outside and let the kid handle it alone? (like in many cases in all the games)

-the famous fact that the pokedex is empty even tho professor Oak is supposed to work on it for years?

-still about the pokedex, but more code wise, how can the pokedex gives information about a pokemon if it wasn't entered manually by men? if the information doesn't exist in the pokedex code, it can not appear, and if it was entered previously, why would they give you an empty pokedex?

-why do some pokemon only evolve when trading? they love the new trainer more than you? sounds cool KappaHD
(May 29, 2015, 01:49 AM)Apo Wrote: -still about the pokedex, but more code wise, how can the pokedex gives information about a pokemon if it wasn't entered manually by men? if the information doesn't exist in the pokedex code, it can not appear, and if it was entered previously, why would they give you an empty pokedex?

Bear with me here kappa:
About that... I think it is possible for the computer to learn. When you encounter the pokémon it only makes a "scan" of how it looks and provides you with almost no information (possibly the only information it could deduct from the scan). Then when you catch a pokémon it goes into a pokéball (and sometimes into your computer boxes). This could mean that the computer could perform some weird kind of scans on the pokémon, and send that info back to the pokédex. Or maybe the pokéballs have some sweet mechanisms inside them that allow for better "scans".

To find names/more info on pokémon it could have a distributed database of pokémon, shared with other Pokédexes. That still leaves one question: how does the "first" pokédex do it? Lets assume there has been some sort of manuscripts or scrolls or books or whatever kind of written/drawn knowledge gathered over many years (I mean there is lore of 3000 years back so why not?) and that has been entered into some database that is actually complete (or complete up to what the researchers know about that pokémon).
So when you encounter a pokémon that only has some rumors about it (like legendaries) your pokédex adds the data it finds to that database and makes a complete image of the pokémon with pokédex entry and such. It just uses its "knowledge" and "logic skills" and whatever impeccable skills it might have to finish the pokédex entry (I mean come on its basically some 'magic' computer that can talk flawless english and has a huge database, and never runs out of battery? Who knows what else it can do).

On top of that the algorithms used could be learning from the datasets they gather, and initially have. A pokédex defenitily has some kind of artificial intelligence inside it. Also "if the information doesn't exist in the pokedex code, it can not appear" <-- that's not true. It is very possible to generate code without human intervention Smile

To end this story: I think they gave the kid (you) an empty pokédex not only to improve what data the already have, but also to let the kid have a nicer adventure. Wouldn't it be boring to know exactly where to find every pokémon, and to know that this is all there is?

p.s. Think about this: each pokémon has a number, even if you have only seen 1-20, when you catch #30, it still says it's #30. That means there must be some information already stored somewhere :D

Thanks for reading :P

edit: Just realised throughout the games it is also mentioned that even when they already know a pokémon each newly found pokémon of that species might behave slightly different or look slightly different (like male/female), so that is also a reason why they send you out there Wink
never said it was impossible to create code without human intervention, but create the whole information thing. a scan is ok for the anatomy infos, but for the rest? like drifloon, pokedex says it takes children away xD, meaning you must have seen one doing that already, so the info already exist, so the pokemon is already known, so the info is gathered already, but not shared in the pokedex.

have to agree with the previous messages, the adventure is an excuse so Oak can be alone with your mom KappaHD
If the fan theory that ditto is a failed clone of mew was true

Where did all the genderless pokemon come from some like golett magnemite and baltoy etc could all be man made

But I doubt Staryu and Carbink are so where did they come from ?
(May 29, 2015, 07:24 AM)terrorkid94 Wrote: If the fan theory that ditto is a failed clone of mew was true

Where did all the genderless pokemon come from some like golett magnemite and baltoy etc could all be man made

But I doubt Staryu and Carbink are so where did they come from ?

whoa can you imagine, if all the genderless pokemon were mutations off... ungendered legendaries O:!!
but then lol diancie would prove a backwards concept~

and lol @Apo
not sure if that would be "strange" but what about types weaknesses?

Why is water weak to electricity? you will say because water condut electricity...

[Image: tumblr_np6tzbaEzH1ur15ilo1_1280.jpg]

if we follow the physics/chemistery concept, pure water is an insulator, the minerals in the water are the conductors, so Rock should be weak to Electricity

quite funny because I searched on the internet and a guy is saying the same thing on youtube :P

diploma in sciences was usefull after all KappaHD
(May 30, 2015, 05:23 PM)Apo Wrote: not sure if that would be "strange" but what about types weaknesses?

Why is water weak to electricity? you will say because water condut electricity...

if we follow the physics/chemistery concept, pure water is an insulator, the minerals in the water are the conductors, so Rock should be weak to Electricity

I have to disagree here :P
Water pokémon don't exist solely of pure water? They have a body (eventhough it might be like 90% water) so there has to be something that holds it together and gives them structure (otherwise they'd be looking like ditto kappa).

I know the science but even then if they were 99% covered in pure water electricity would be harmful.
Also looking at rock: Flying (wind) erodes rock together with water and earth/plants, so why isn't flying super effective?
I think there are more than only 1 strange type weaknesses Smile

Technically speaking steel pokémon could be made out of insulator metals as well, but they don't resist electricity either....

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