Nov 7, 2015, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: Nov 7, 2015, 01:27 AM by ONESUNBEINGNOW.)
Hi there, thank you for doing this for everyone, I am sure it is greatly appreciated!
1. Pokemon: Sylveon
2. Name: None
3. IVs: 6x31 Evs: 252 HP, 129 Sp .Atk, 129 Sp. Def
4. Moves: Hidden Ability Pixilate please
- Hyper Voice
- Shadow Ball
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Calm Mind
5. Items you want it to hold: Leftovers
6. If you want it shiny: Yes please
7. FriendCode: I would like to trade with you please
8. FC: 2681-2830-4851 & IGN: ONESUN
could it be level 100 please
Nov 7, 2015, 01:49 AM (This post was last modified: Nov 7, 2015, 01:50 AM by Jaerri.)
Hey! That's perfect what you are doing there! Hope I'm getting a spot in here too. If not, then it's alright too (: Thank you in either way!
1. Talonflame
2. Name: Fiaro
3. IVs: (6x) EVs: N/A
4. Moves:
- Fly
- Thief
- Roost
- Peck
5. Hold item: Ability Capsule
6. Shiny please
7. FC: 1693-1425-1798 IGN: Rayflo/Rin
8. Or GTS. What you prefer! (trading directly might be a bit of a hassle...)
Thanks a TON!!!
(Nov 6, 2015, 06:34 PM)Dazho Wrote: 1. Pokemon you want: Eevee with Sylveon Form if u can ^^
2. Name: None
3. IVs: 6
4. Moves you want: Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Psyshock, Calm Mind
5. Items you want it to hold ( Any Items Even Masterball ): Masterball
6. If you want it shiny: Yes Please!
7. FriendCode: 4914-6642-0854
8. I would like to trade with you!
I already added u since yesterday and u didnt respond me
1.Pokemon you want: Infernape
2.Name: FalconPunch
3.IVs:All at 6
4.Moves you want: Mach Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake
5.Item you want it hold:Choice Specs(And yep, this DOES make sense but not for combat)
6.If you want it shiny: Of course! Why would anyone NOT love this pinkish- burning thing?
7.<-----------------------------FC is right there at my profile
8.-Normal trade ^^
Nov 13, 2015, 06:25 AM (This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2015, 09:38 AM by Darren.)
Hey thanks for doing this, I know I'm a few days late but I hope you still do it.
1. Pokémon you want: Lvl100 Gardevoir (Female) (Modest if possible)
2. Name: None
3. IVs: 6 EVs: 252Sp. Atk 252Sp. Def
4. Moves: Moonblast, Calm Mind, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam
5. Items you want it to hold (Any items even Masterball): Leftovers
6. If you want it shiny: Yes Shiny please!
7. Friendcode: 4699-7561-0963
8. I would like to trade via GTS.
Details: Pokémon: Lvl1 Male Eevee (Nicknamed: Évoli)
Trainer Name in GTS: Darren⭐️
Message in GTS: Alen767 THANKS!!
P.S If it's possible can you make it in a Cherish Ball?
This is pretty awesome
1. Pokemon you want: Charmander
2. Name: None
3. IVs: perfect
4. Moves you want: take down
5. Items you want it to hold ( Any Items Even Masterball ): Shiny Charm?
6. If you want it shiny: Yes Please
7. FriendCode: 2165-7259-7691
8. I would like to trade with you