Apr 2, 2016, 02:33 PM
What's up everyone!? My good friend MarsxVenom issued me the challenge of making a Smogon RU team around Mega Banette so here it is! This team is intended to be Hyper Offensively oriented due to the lack of walls and the fact that everything is pretty much offensive. I hope y'all enjoy this team and if you do (or if you don't) please leave a comment below 
Importable :
Obviously, Mega Banette is here as my mega of choice. You know what it does already. Lure in sweepers with destiny bond, cripple physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp, Knock Off the opponent's item as well as do serious damage to Jellicent, Hoopa-C, Meleotta and Siligyph.
Braviary the second member of the main core. I chose Choice Scarf because it allows Braviary to outspeed and net KOs on Virizion, Flygon and other Pokemon faster than the max base 80 speed tier. It synergies well with Banette as Braviary is a good response against strong attackers that threaten Banette such as Houndoom and Hoopa-C. Also Braviary scares out opponents with its offensive presence which allows me to safely U-turn into Banette and get the Mega Evolution off.
The current core is extremely weak to entry hazards as well as Rock and Steel, Electric Pokemon. Hitmonlee serves as my go to Rapid Spinner and wallbreaker. Reckless HJK boosted by Life Orb OHKOs nearly everything in the tier that doesn't resist or has extremely high defensive stats (M-Steelix)
Omastar serves as a suicide lead. It's ability Weak Armor makes it so that when Omastar is setting up hazards, if it gets hit with a physical attack, it gains the speed boost allowing it to either attack or get up another layer of spikes. Stacking hazards benefits Braviary as it allows it to net more OHKOs. Obviously I choose Rapid Spin over Defog for this feature
Manectric is my revenge killer and answer to bulky Water types, Ground types, Steel types and Mega Steelix. I run Life Orb so I have more freedom to switch up attacks and have optimal damage output
Flygon is my secondary revenge killer and pivot. It takes hits from moves such as Tyrantrum's Head Smash very well which is important seeing as how scarf Tyrantrum runs shop on my team otherwise.
And that's about it. The sets are taken from Smogon's competitive dex and I had no reason to make my own custom sets because these function effectively.
The team is really weak to Pokemon that outspeed, strong defense stall cores and hazard stacking (if Hitmonlee is taken out)

![[Image: flygon.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/flygon.png)
![[Image: banette-mega.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/xy-fan/banette-mega.png)
![[Image: omastar.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/omastar.png)
![[Image: hitmonlee.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/hitmonlee.png)
![[Image: braviary.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/braviary.png)
![[Image: manectric.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/manectric.png)
![[Image: flygon.png]](http://www.pokestadium.com/sprites/black-white/flygon.png)
Importable :
Obviously, Mega Banette is here as my mega of choice. You know what it does already. Lure in sweepers with destiny bond, cripple physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp, Knock Off the opponent's item as well as do serious damage to Jellicent, Hoopa-C, Meleotta and Siligyph.
Braviary the second member of the main core. I chose Choice Scarf because it allows Braviary to outspeed and net KOs on Virizion, Flygon and other Pokemon faster than the max base 80 speed tier. It synergies well with Banette as Braviary is a good response against strong attackers that threaten Banette such as Houndoom and Hoopa-C. Also Braviary scares out opponents with its offensive presence which allows me to safely U-turn into Banette and get the Mega Evolution off.
The current core is extremely weak to entry hazards as well as Rock and Steel, Electric Pokemon. Hitmonlee serves as my go to Rapid Spinner and wallbreaker. Reckless HJK boosted by Life Orb OHKOs nearly everything in the tier that doesn't resist or has extremely high defensive stats (M-Steelix)
Omastar serves as a suicide lead. It's ability Weak Armor makes it so that when Omastar is setting up hazards, if it gets hit with a physical attack, it gains the speed boost allowing it to either attack or get up another layer of spikes. Stacking hazards benefits Braviary as it allows it to net more OHKOs. Obviously I choose Rapid Spin over Defog for this feature
Manectric is my revenge killer and answer to bulky Water types, Ground types, Steel types and Mega Steelix. I run Life Orb so I have more freedom to switch up attacks and have optimal damage output
Flygon is my secondary revenge killer and pivot. It takes hits from moves such as Tyrantrum's Head Smash very well which is important seeing as how scarf Tyrantrum runs shop on my team otherwise.
And that's about it. The sets are taken from Smogon's competitive dex and I had no reason to make my own custom sets because these function effectively.
The team is really weak to Pokemon that outspeed, strong defense stall cores and hazard stacking (if Hitmonlee is taken out)
[Insert signature here]